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Turning the lights off, I stare at the dark ceiling and wonder if he’s going to come here tonight. I’ll never get any sleep. I’m going to lie here and wait for him to open my front door. I don’t know what to do or how to even think at this point.

Inhaling a deep breath, I hold it and slowly let it out. My anxiety feels like it’s completely rearing its ugly head. The wine is wearing off, and now my heart is slamming against my chest as I think about what’s to come.

Maybe Allison was right. This is creepy. There are so many things wrong with all of this, and yet, when I think about him being here, about his mouth between my legs, and the way I felt—it felt so right.

Rolling onto my side, I close my eyes and try to force myself to sleep. Nothing happens except my eyes move from side to side beneath my lids. I’m not sure when, but I must fall asleep because the next thing I know, I feel soft lips at my neck and suck in a deep breath.

Opening my eyes, I find that I’m shifted to my back and there is a man on top of me. But it’s not just any man. It’s him. It’s Wells. I lift my hands and wrap them around his arms. He’s dressed. Sucking in a breath, I look into his eyes.

“Wells?” I ask, even though I know exactly who it is.

“Parker,” he rasps.

“I’m scared,” I whisper.

He hums, his lips touching mine, and I can taste spicy hard liquor on his mouth. My entire body melts in an instant. Holy shit. My first kiss and it’s beautiful. So beautiful. I know Allison was worried, and so was I, but with his lips on mine, that worry melts completely away.


“Nothing to be scared about, cupcake.”

My voice is rough. I’m trying not to be too loud, but I want to roar with ownership. Mainly because she is mine. And now I’m going to claim her. That is what this is—me claiming her. I don’t want to think about my dad, about the family, about marriage. All I want to do is fuck this woman right here beneath me.

Claim her.

Own her.

“Wells,” she exhales. Her voice is soft, sleepy, and sexy. “Are you going to fuck me now?”

Sliding my palm beneath her head, I tangle my fingers in her hair as I look down into her eyes. It’s too dark to see what color they are, but I know they’re a beautiful emerald-green color that makes my cock ache with the need to see them looking up at me when she’s on her knees.

Leaning down, I touch my lips to hers in a barely there kiss, a brush of the lips, before I murmur against her mouth. “Yeah, baby. I’m gonna fuck you now. Then I’m going to fuck you later. Then tomorrow morning, I’m going to fuck you again. Might go on like that for a good long while.”

Her entire body breaks out in goose bumps to the point where it actually shivers. Slamming my mouth down against hers, I slip my tongue inside of her and swirl, tasting her. A moan travels up my throat, and she swallows it.

Nibbling on her bottom lip, I break the kiss then move my mouth to her jaw, kissing down her neck, licking and sucking my way to the hollow of her throat. She lifts her hands, her fingers wrapping around my biceps, her nails digging into me through my shirt.

Her hands tremble as she slides them from my biceps to my chest. Pushing up, I look into her pretty face and wish, not for the first time, that the lights were on so I could see all of her, every fucking inch of her sweet body… every expression on her face.

Her fingers begin to unbutton my shirt slowly, inefficiently. I’m about to rip it the fuck off when she finally finishes. Her hands curiously explore my chest and slide up to my shoulders, pushing my shirt off and down my arms.

“Life for a life,” she reads slowly.

“Yeah,” I grunt. “It’s my family motto.”

I say those words and end it right there. Because I’m not going to go into any of it. I’m not going to tell her about my family, my life or my work, not until it’s necessary, and right now, the only thing that’s necessary is my dick inside of her tight cunt.

Rolling onto my back, I take her with me so that she’s straddling me. I grip the outsides of her thighs, then slide my hands up to her hips, only pausing a moment before I shift her nightgown up and over her head, throwing it somewhere in the room behind her.

In frustration, I reach over and turn the bedside light on. Parker gasps, covering her breasts from view. My lips curve up into a grin as I look up at her, but her face is wearing an expression of awe, and I realize this is the first time she’s seen me in the light.

The first time she’s seen my face.

I watch as she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, then scrapes them back and forth, her telltale sign for not only anxiousness but also something she does when she’s deep in thought. I don’t say a word. Sliding my hands up her waist, I wrap my fingers around her wrists and gently tug them away from her tits. “Wells,” she whispers.

“You’re beautiful, Parker. Up close, breathtaking.”

She inhales a deep breath, letting it out shakily, and I watch her, tearing my attention from her tits to her face as I hold her hands by her hips. I focus my gaze on hers.
