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“That you might get cranky when you’re pregnant?” he teases. “No, I figured that much. I’m looking forward to it.”

“No, that I’m...Lucinda told you,” I realize.

“Only after you broke my heart in your apartment hallway,” he teases again. Only this time it doesn’t sound like teasing. It sounds like truth.

My heart aches for him. For what I put him through.

Still...what if he only wants me because he’s trying to do the right thing for our kid?

He gently kisses the furrow between my brows. “What’s got you frowning, love?”

Love. My heart sings when he calls me that.

Which makes it even harder to say what I know I need to. But he deserves it.

I make myself take a deep breath. “Cole, I’ll never forget everything you’ve done, but if you’re only doing this because I’m pregnant—”

“Hush,” he interrupts, and I do, grateful. I want him to convince me. I want him to convince me so bad.

“Yes, in my ideal world we raise this kid together. But that’s not why I’m asking,” he says. “You forget, I already ended one marriage in part because we believed it was best for our child to grow up in a house full of love, not disappointment and resentment.”

Oh. Right.

Cole releases me and steps back.

He digs for something in his pocket, and pulls out my engagement ring. My beautiful, rainbow engagement ring. The one he knew was right for me, even when we barely knew each other.

“I love you, Amelia. I love you with all my fucking heart.” He goes down on one knee and holds up the ring to me. “The only question is, do you love me back?”

“Yes,” I breathe. And then louder, with a smile so bright it feels like it’s cracking me open and letting all that love pour out. “Yes, I love you, Cole Ashford.”

I kiss him, claim him. I think I could love this man forever.

Who am I kidding? IknowI could love this man forever.

I pull him to his feet, and he cradles me to him, never letting me go.

“That was a trick question,” he murmurs against my lips. “I went down on one knee with a ring and you said yes, so technically you agreed to marry me.”

I laugh, giddy. He’s doing the thing, I realize. The thing where he’s trying to hide how much he cares.

But now I see straight through to his fierce, glorious heart.

“Cole,” I say. “Do you want to marry me?”

“Yes,” he breathes. Like the thing I’m offering him is holy.

And maybe it is. Finding the one person who fits you is always a miracle. And ours was more miraculous than most.

I hold up my left hand. “Then put my ring back where it belongs.”

He slides the ring on my finger. Then he brings my fingertips to his lips, eyes closed, like even my fingertips are precious.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I say. “What next?”

He flashes me a wicked grin. “Next, you let me take you home.”

“Ok,” I say.
