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I shouldn’t care about that. We barely know each other. Our fake engagement is a purely practical, professional arrangement. I shouldn’t care what Violet thinks of me.

But the truth is, I do.

And I’m rapidly losing the ability to pretend like I don’t.

“Fine. You’re right. I could work on my temper.” I move back and lean against the elevator wall, my arms crossed. “I should have been more patient with the elevator guy and the cab driver. Even though the cab driverdefinitelygot us lost.”

I wait for her to argue with me about the cab driver, but she doesn’t take the bait.

Instead, she raises her chin and says, “And the photographer?”

I scowl. “I’m not apologizing for that. I had my reasons.”

“What possible reasons???” Violet exclaims. “I mean, yeah, it was a little touchy-feely, and I get that you’re not Mr. Sentimental. But you were the one who wanted to pretend to be engaged, Gage. And then you just freaked out! For no reason!”

“I had a reason,” I say between gritted teeth.

“Then tell me what it was.”

“I ended that shoot because if it had gone one second longer, I would have ordered that damn photographer from the room and fucked you on the couch, Violet,” I say, finally losing control. “And I told her to delete the photos because I don’t want anyone else seeing what we do to each other. That’s between you and me. That’s...real.”

Violet’s mouth parts. She’s beautifully flushed from our fight, and her breath is coming fast, making her breasts rise and fall in that silky red dress.

For a second, I’m back on that couch with Violet underneath me, eyes big and dark as she all but rubs herself against my cock.

We stare at each other from opposite sides of the elevator.

And then she’s in my arms, and I’m kissing her like my life depends on it.

Maybe it does. Maybe a part of me has been dead for years, and Violet’s the only one who can bring me back to life.

Our height differences are getting in the way, so I lift her and set her on the railing that runs around the edge of the elevator. My lips find the spot on her neck that makes her moan.

That spot is seared into my brain.

Her hands are in my hair, moving desperately.

I think I might love making Violet Miller desperate.

I use one hand to keep her anchored against the wall, while the other cups and teases her breast. I love the soft curve of her here. I dip my head and suck her nipple through the fabric. I’m probably going too fast, but I can’t seem to slow down. Violet has taken over every single one of my senses.

When she gasps and says my name, I decide I never want to leave this elevator.

Naturally, that’s when the elevator starts moving again.

Violet and I stare at each other, dazed, as the elevator slowly drops back down to the twenty-fifth floor. I have just enough presence of mind to help her down off the railing. Then I drape my jacket around her shoulders to hide the rather conspicuous damp spot on her dress.

I’ve barely finished when the door opens.

A short, friendly man who’s part of the building’s staff meets me and Violet. He looks nervous. When he speaks, I realize he’s the man I talked to in the elevator.

“I’m so sorry you had to wait, sir. There was an elderly man with a heart condition in the other elevator.”

A flash of guilt manages to penetrate my sex-crazed brain. “Ah. Understandable. Thank you for your help.” I notice the lights in the hallway are out. “Is the power still out?”

He nods. “Unfortunately, yes. We were able to get you out because the elevator is programmed to drop down to the nearest floor in the event of a power outage. But you’ll need to take the stairs to get up to your apartment. You’re on the forty-first floor, right?”

I briefly close my eyes as it dawns on me that I have to climb sixteen flights of stairs before Violet and I can finish what we’ve started.
