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It’s been almost a month since Gage seduced me in a Colorado hotel room. Or maybe I seduced him. I can’t quite tell anymore.

All I know is that I can’t remember the last time I felt thishappy.

I wake up in Gage’s arms. I laugh with him over breakfast. I’ve gotten good enough at my job that I actually have some free time during my workday, and I spend it sketching out ideas for the community art studio Gage is going to help me open. After work, Gage and I swap stories over whatever five-star gourmet food he wants me to try. It’s the best part of my day.

Okay, maybe it’s thesecond-bestpart of my day. Because after dinner, we inevitably fall into bed with each other. Normally there’s incredible, mind-blowing sex. But even when one of us is too tired for sex, I still fall asleep with Gage’s arms wrapped around me, his strong, steady heartbeat soothing in a way I can’t fully explain.

I know there’s no way this can last.

But for once, I’m not worrying about the future.

I’m just living in the moment.

And with Gage, there are a lot of moments worth living in.

“I’m just saying, whatever you’re doing to him, keep doing it,” Peggy teases, hip propped against the edge of my desk. “I’ve never seen Gage Crawford in such a good mood. And it’s making everybody’s workday easier. Did you know, I caught him whistling the other day?”

I roll my eyes. “You’re exaggerating. Gage doesn’t whistle.”

Right on cue, the sound of someone whistling cheerfully drifts down the hall.

Peggy holds up a finger to indicate she’s won the argument.

I shake my head. “There is no way that’s...”

But the words die on my tongue as Gage rounds the corner, whistling cheerfully to himself. He nods to me and Peggy and then disappears into his office.

I blink.

Okay, maybe Peggy has a point. Gage didn’t even bark at us to quit chatting and get back to work.

Is it possible I make Gage as happy as he makes me?




“I’m just saying,” Peggy says, “I’ve worked here for seven years. And I’veneverseen him like this before.”

My chest feels all warm and glowy.

“Don’t dump him at the altar, or we’re all screwed,” she teases.

My stomach twists with guilt for lying to someone who’s quickly becoming a good friend.

My desk phone rings and I reach for it, grateful for the distraction. “I should get back to work. Want to do lunch tomorrow?”

“Absolutely,” Peggy says. She straightens and leaves to go do her own work.

I answer the phone, “Mr. Crawford’s office, how can I help you?”

Then I recognize the Colorado area code, and my stomach swoops.

Gage put in his formal bid to buy the team two weeks ago. He’s confident they’ll sell to him, but I can tell that underneath all that well-earned confidence, he’s nervous too.

When you want something this bad, you’re never completely confident, no matter who you are.
