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I swallow. My heart is beating so fast it feels like a wild bird caught in my chest. “Why are you doing this?”

Gage takes a step toward me. “Because you were right. You wouldn’t be happy if you gave up teaching art. It was wrong of me to ask you to. And no matter what you decide...” He works his jaw like he’s struggling with his own emotions. “Whether you want a relationship with me or not, I want you to have a place where you can teach art so you can be happy. Ineedyou to be happy.”

The way he says it makes my heart ache. I instinctively place my palm against my chest, trying to rub the pain away. He’s trying so hard to do the right thing. And he’s so close to saying what I need him to.


“Why do you need me to be happy?” My voice is so hushed it’s practically a whisper.

He smiles softly, studying me like he’s memorizing me. In case this is the end. In case I walk away from him again.

“I love you, Violet,” he says. “And I’m not saying it to win you, or because it’s convenient. It’s really, really not. I can’t sleep without you, Violet. My new assistant is the best in the entire company, and it’s horrible because she’s not you.” He runs a hand through his hair. “There was a company I could have bought this week, but the owner looked so upset about having to sell that I gave a loan instead. I knew that’s what you would have wanted me to do. I carry you around in my head everywhere with me. And I want to make you proud, even if you’re not actually around to see it.”


He closes the gap between us and cups my face. “You changed me, Violet. I don’t know if it’s enough for you to want me as your husband. But I’ll keep trying. I promise. I’ll give you and this kid everything I have.” He searches my face, desperate to be believed. “I’ll come home on time every night, and I won’t work on the weekends.”

I smile as I blink back tears. “Even if you lose a deal, or your stock price takes a dip?”

“Screw the stock price,” he says. “I want you. I’d quit entirely if you asked me to. I’d rather not. It would make me even grumpier than I am now, and I don’t like the idea of making my wife work while I sit on my ass. But I’d do it if you asked me to.”

Now I’m actually crying.

“Please don’t cry, love.” He kisses my tears away, his voice rough. “Please don’t cry.” He closes his eyes and gently rests his forehead against mine. “Just tell me if I still have a shot with you.”

He reaches for my hand, and his fingers twine with mine. “You haven’t given me back my ring yet. I’ve been telling myself that’s a good omen.”

I laugh through the tears. “It is.”

His eyes fly open. “Are you serious? You’ll come back home to me? You want a relationship?”

I nod, smiling through the tears. “I am. I will. I do.”

And then he’s kissing me, hard and true and wonderful.

I kiss him back with everything I have.

When we come up for air, his eyes are dark with desire and his face is full of emotion. He spreads a possessive hand across my stomach. “This is probably pressing my luck. But I’ve never been one to hold back.”

I tilt my head back, smiling up at him. “Oh?”

“Will you marry me, Violet Miller?” He smiles back at me, joy dancing in his eyes. “I’ve been told I’m an emotional disaster. I have no idea how to do any of this. But I’m in love with you. And I think I will be until the day I die.”

My heart catches. And then it takes a leap and flies.

“That’s convenient,” I say, looping my hands around the back of his neck. “Because I love you too. I loved you when you were a jerk to me, and I loved you when you were being emotionally obtuse. It’s kind of unconditional. I think I can handle you trying to make me and our kid happy for the rest of our lives.”

A thousand emotions flicker across Gage’s face. “God, I don’t deserve you.”

“Yes, you do,” I say. And then I rise up on my toes and kiss him the way I’ve wanted to all week. The way I’ve wanted to for the past two months. Maybe longer than that.

The kiss is on the verge of turning into something much hotter when the front door swings open and Maria pops her head in.

“Oh. Good. You’re kissing. Do you need me to hang around, or are you good now?”

I laugh and hide my face against Gage’s chest, blushing.

“We’re good,” Gage says. “How do you feel about coming to a wedding next month?”
