Page 103 of Don't Date A DILF

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“Oh, ho, when’s the date?” Joe asked with a chuckle. “Sounds like it’s just a matter of time.”

“As if you’re one to talk,” Beckett teased. “You might think you’re sly, but we all know you two are living together now.”

“I don’t deny it. Auggie has me wrapped around his little finger.” Joe tugged him over for a quick kiss on the cheek.

Toby watched wide-eyed. Then he leaned in and whispered to his dad, “Do they all like boys?”

“I don’t know,” Hunter said.

“Most, but not all,” I clarified. “Wes and Beckett date women. And Darren and Linc like boys and girls. They’ve just chosen each other.”

Darren nodded, overhearing me. “Yep. Linc is my Number One human. He can put a ring on it anytime he wants.” He waggled his hand. “I mean, on my finger anyway. Other rings are nobody’s business.”

“What other rings would there be?” Toby asked.

“None,” I said quickly. “Darren is just being silly.”

Linc swatted his arm, his cheeks a little pink. “So silly.”

“Oh. So, you’ll all help when we do the rest of the house?” Toby asked hopefully, thankfully changing the topic of conversation away from the cock rings Darren had hinted at. “I know we can’t do it by May, but maybe this summer?”

The kid had really mastered puppy dog eyes. Every adult in the room melted a little. Bobbi was the first to agree after ruffling his hair. “Of course we will.”

“Yep,” Wes and Beckett added.

“Why not?” Tucker said. “Someone’s got to wrangle all of you so that paint gets on the walls and not all over your T-shirts.”

Darren and Joe looked down their shirts guiltily, both liberally streaked after they’d gotten a little rambunctious earlier that day. Thanks to the drop cloths, they hadn’t done any damage. Linc was also paint-splattered, but Augustus remained immaculate because Joe preferred his balls attached to his body and no doubt knew his boyfriend would murder him if he came after him with a paint roller.

We finished eating, and Hunter sent Toby upstairs to pack a bag for an overnight stay at Will’s house. I was happy to hear that Toby and his group partner were getting along well enough to hang out. They could both use more friends. And ever since my chat with Will after class, he’d seemed more willing to participate in their project.

He’d been smiling the whole time we took our last field trip to the news blog,Inside Granville, to submit our guest columns about historical figures in Granville. They were being published one per week up until the 150th anniversary date.

One by one, our friends trickled out. Hunter thanked each of them profusely, still looking a bit overwhelmed that they’d shown up for him. When the door closed behind the last of them, he turned in a circle, gazing at the room. “I can’t believe how quickly we got this done.”

“Many hands make light work,” I said. “You don’t have to be afraid to ask for help.”

He looked at me strangely. “I’m not. I asked for your help with Toby, didn’t I?”

“Actually, I offered it.”

“Oh. Well…”

“It’s not a criticism.” I slid my arms around his waist and kissed his chin. “I’m just not sure you’ve ever had anyone take care of you. Not really.”

“My family has always been supportive,” Hunter said. “I had a great childhood, but I guess I’ve had a hard time letting them help me as much since I came back. I felt guilty for being gone so long, you know? Kevin and I talked about it, and I’m trying not to let that keep me or Toby from the love our family wants to give us. Whether I deserve it or not.”

“Of course you deserve it. You need to stop punishing yourself for having a complicated life. You’re here now.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” His lips twitched. “I’ll practice by letting you take care of me tonight.”

“So kind of you,” I teased, “to let me have my way with you.”

“I aim to please.” He grew serious. “But also…I know you’ll take good care of me, Clark. You always do.”

Toby’s feet echoed in the upstairs hall as he ran toward the stairs, a clear warning he’d be joining us soon. Hunter had scolded him for running half a dozen times, but it certainly helped us avoid getting caught behaving a little too intimately when no one was around.

I released Hunter and took a step back. “I’ll be waiting in your bedroom.”
