Page 105 of Don't Date A DILF

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Clark approached, dildo in hand, and rubbed its flesh-colored tip along my dick to nudge my balls, making me shiver. “It’s still early. You’ll have me when you’re ready.”

I swallowed hard at the thought of Clark working me over. “Okay.”

Before I could blink twice, Clark had dropped to his knees and taken my cock into his mouth. I groaned, dropping my head back, as hot, wet suction enveloped my shaft. There was a click, and I looked down. Clark’s cupid lips were stretched around my cock, his curly blond hair tumbling over his eyes, making him look like a corrupted angel.Fuck me. So sexy.

Something wet skated past my balls, making me flinch, then his lubed finger was circling my hole and pressing inside. I widened my stance, noticing the lube beside him when I finally dragged my gaze from the erotic vision he made.

He worked my hole, teasing and prodding—while continuing to suck—until he had three fingers inside me and I was bearing down to take them deeper, craving more. Just when I thought I might die of frustration, he pulled away, leaving me empty and aching.

“On the bed. Hands and knees.”

I stumbled to the bed on shaky legs, eager to comply, my ass conflicted about Clark’s invasion, both stinging from its use and somehow yearning for more. Clark grabbed my hips to keep me at the edge of the bed, then pressed a hand between my shoulder blades, pushing until my chest was flat to the mattress and my ass was in the air.

It felt strange to be in this position. Vulnerable. I shivered, despite not being cold. Clark rubbed a hand up and down my back, warm and soothing. “We can stop anytime. You know that, right?”

“Don’t want to stop.”

“You’re shaking, babe.”

“I just need it. Need you.”

“Okay, relax for me. Take a deep breath and let it out.”

I complied, repeating the process when he asked. On my second exhale, a blunt pressure at my hole was my only warning before the silicone dildo slipped inside me.

I tightened around it, clamping down, my heart racing. “Shit,” I gasped at the burn.

“Breathe. You’ll adjust.”

I clenched the blankets in my fists, but the burn was already ebbing. I felt stretched and full, close to overwhelmed, but Clark’s voice anchored me. Soon, I fidgeted. “Can you…?”

“Yes.” He slowly stroked it out, then pushed it back in. It tapped my prostate, making me jolt with a surprised moan. “There you go. Just a few more, then you get the real deal.”

He thrust the cock again, making me grunt, then again. I crammed a hand under me to stroke my cock, but Clark grabbed my bicep. “You don’t want to come before you have me inside, do you?”

“N-no, but…”

“I know, hon. I’m going to take care of you.” He carefully withdrew the dildo, making me wince at the friction, then frown at the unsatisfied, empty feeling it left. He tapped my hip. “Turn over. I want to see your face for this.”

I flipped, a sense of relief washing through me as his concerned gaze tracked over my face. Clark would take care of me, I knew that, but I hadn’t realized how much seeing his face reassured me. He smiled and dipped down to brush my lips with his. “You’re beautiful like this, all trembly for me.”

I gave a shaky laugh. “Yeah, I kind of remember enjoying you in that position.”

He hesitated. “It’s not too late for that, if you’d prefer? I’m doing this for you, but if you’re not enjoying it…”

I hooked an arm around his neck and yanked him to my lips for a filthy kiss. “Fuck me, Clark. I want it.”

He smiled beautifully. “Okay. Your wish is my command. Just remember that.”

Clark grabbed a second pillow I wasn’t resting on and wedged it under my hips, tilting my ass up a bit, then he slid on a condom and stroked lube over it.

I bit my lower lip, eager and anxious as he positioned himself between my legs. I was going to have a man inside me, fucking me, any second. I had never foreseen this for my life. Never thought I’d want something like this. Maybe I should have realized sooner, but between a gay brother who didn’t seem anything like me and meeting my wife in college, I hadn’t explored beyond the typical hetero expectations for me.

If a pair of pretty eyes caught my notice, even on a guy, I chalked it up to objective appreciation. If a particularly charismatic guy captured my attention, I brushed it away as envy or jealousy, never realizing there was a part of me that might enjoy being in his presence a little too much.

Not until Clark. My angel.

My angel with a dick that was now prodding at my hole.
