Page 107 of Don't Date A DILF

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I cast a glance at the man in my bed and sighed. “Be there in a few.”

I’d hoped to have a few more hours alone with Clark today. He looked so peaceful in sleep, an angel once more rather than the sexy creature who’d fucked me last night. My ass still stung with the phantom burn of penetration, still ached as if it were full of cock.

I suppressed a shiver as I grabbed a pair of sweats and pulled them on. Behind me, Clark shifted in the bed, then spoke in an amused voice. “Aren’t you only supposed to sneak out for the walk of shame when it’s not your house?”

I turned, smiling down at his bed-tousled hair. He was so beautiful I couldn’t fathom how I hadn’t seen it the first moment we met. His eyes, still heavy-lidded from sleep, made me want to crawl back into bed with him. The morning stubble contrasted nicely with his pale complexion and emphasized the line of his jaw.

“Hey.” I bent over the bed to kiss his forehead. “Toby called. He and Will had some sort of argument and he doesn’t want to stay there, so I’m going to pick him up.”

“Uh-oh.” Clark sat up, the blankets pooling in his lap. “I guess I need to go.”

I put a hand on his shoulder. “You should stay, Clark. We’re going to tell him about us anyway, right?”

“But not like this,” he protested, waving to his bedhead and undressed state.

I smirked. “You can shower and dress before we get back.”

Clark shook his head. “I want to tell him when I’m not coming straight from your bed. Besides, you said he’s upset. It doesn’t sound like the best time.”

“Maybe,” I agreed reluctantly, “but I like you in my bed. I want you there all the time.”

Clark rolled out of bed and stepped into my arms. He was entirely bare, his skin still warm from my bedding. He went up on tiptoes and brushed his lips against mine in a brief, chaste kiss. Nonetheless, it sent butterflies through me. It was intimate, kissing him in the early dawn light of my bedroom, thinking that perhaps this could be our life.

“I like your bed too,” he said with a small smile. “I promise I’ll be back soon.”

“You better,” I grumbled. “We need to tell Toby soon.”

Clark pulled away to reach for his clothes, and I let him go so we could both finish dressing.

“I don’t want to hit him with this, then expect him to come to school like nothing has changed,” Clark said as he pulled on his boxer briefs and reached for his shirt folded neatly on a chair in the corner. “He might need some time to process. Spring break starts in a week. How about we tell him then?”

“All right, that makes sense.” Damn man had to be reasonable when I just wanted to keep him in my bed. “I should go. You can let yourself out?”

“Yeah. Call me later and let me know he’s okay?”

“I will.”

I kissed him one last time, then grabbed my wallet and keys from my dresser and headed out. Will’s house was across town in one of the more expensive neighborhoods. There were two newer model cars in the driveway. Before I could even get out of the car, Toby came running out. His face was tear-streaked.

I got out to meet him on the sidewalk. “Maybe I should talk to Will’s parents about what happened.”

“They’re sleeping,” Toby said with a sniff. “Everyone is.”

I cast a glance toward the front door with a frown. “I’m not sure you should just leave like that, Toby. What if they worry?”

“They know I’m going. They just went back to bed, is all. Please don’t wake them up, Dad. Please. I just want to go.”

I hadn’t seen him so upset for weeks, and it was a little unsettling. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and guided him toward the car. “All right, come on. Want to grab some breakfast at the diner? We can talk about what happened over pancakes.”

He nodded. “Okay.”

Toby and I were seated in a booth by the windows. But not even a chocolate-chip pancake and chocolate milk put a smile on his face. He pushed his food around, not eating much, clearly still upset. I sipped my coffee, trying to give him time to come out with whatever was bothering him, but when the check arrived, I realized it wasn’t going to be that easy.

“What happened with Will?” I prompted.

Toby shrugged, eyes on his plate as he dragged a piece of pancake through a puddle of syrup. “He’s just being dumb.”

“Dumb how?”
