Page 115 of Don't Date A DILF

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She wasn’t wrong, but the self-deprecation caught me off-guard. “Holly…it’s not some kind of contest.”

“No, I know,” she said quickly. “Gosh, I’m famished. Maybe we should hurry up and get on the road.”

“Well, here’s the car,” I said, stopping behind the sedan and unlocking the trunk to deposit her bags. “We could stop at a restaurant or get takeout on the road.”

“No way,” Holly said. “My boys haven’t had my cooking in months. I intend to spoil you both while I’m here.”

Once we were all in the car, Toby leaned forward from the backseat. “Can you make those bierocks I love while you’re here? And the spinach enchiladas? Oh, and I really miss that peanut chicken thing you did.”

Holly smiled, soaking in all the praise. “I’ll make all your favorites as soon as your dad picks up some groceries.”

“And here I thought you liked my cooking, Toby,” I said with mock disappointment while I started the car and reversed out of the parking space. “I’m just a poor substitute for your mom, huh?”

He looked abashed. “You’re still learning, and you’re way better than you were, and Clark’s food is really—”

He stopped short. I glanced into the rear-view mirror, catching a look of surprise on his face.That’s right, I thought.Clark is a part of your life now, kid. A good part.

“Clark’s food is what?” Holly asked.

Toby shrugged. “It’s okay, I guess. He learned from his Nana, and she’s almost as good as you!”

Holly laughed. “Uh-oh. I better step it up this week, then. I don’t want anyone’s nana stealing my glory.”

“You automatically win because you’re my mom.” His gaze bore into me. “No one could ever replace you.”

“Aw, that’s sweet, honey.”

I nodded, understanding too well the message he was trying to send. “There’s no one who could ever take your mom’s place. We all know that.” I hesitated, trying to find the right words to send my own message back without hurting anyone. “Your mom is family,” I said. “But she’s not the only family we can have. We’re all building new lives now, and we all have to figure out what those look like. Your mom might date again, like I’m dating again, and I know that’s hard, Toby, but in the end you’ll have even more people to love you.”

Holly half turned in her seat so she could look at both of us. “Your dad is right. We’ll always be family. It just looks a little different than it used to, that’s all.” She smiled, though it was clear it took some effort. “If he’s found someone to make him happy, then I’m happy.”

“Well, I’m not,” Toby said with a huff, sitting back in the seat.


“Whatever,” he grumbled, turning his face toward the window.

Holly sent me a sympathetic smile. “Give it some time. He’ll get there.”

I nodded once. I knew she was right, and I should be more patient. But with Toby struggling to process the news that Clark and I were a real couple, I worried her presence would only make him cling harder to his hopes that we’d reconcile.

I had to make it clear that wasn’t happening, even if it disappointed him in the short-term. Because Clark wasn’t going anywhere if I had anything to say about it. He couldn’t take Holly’s place, no. He wasn’t Toby’s mother. But he’d already forged an invaluable role in our lives that worked perfectly.

He was our family now, and I knew eventually my stubborn son would see that for himself.

* * *


I strolledup to Hunter’s house, feeling more like an intruder than I had the very first time I arrived, when he’d been nothing more than a sexy dad to secretly drool over instead of my boyfriend.

I just hoped he remained my boyfriend after Toby’s poor reaction to the truth.

Hunter had said nothing would change, but he was a father and Toby had to come first. He was too good of a dad for it to go any other way.

Still, at least I had good news. News that Toby deserved to hear in person after the worry I’d caused him. I had no idea how he felt about me, but I was sure he’d be relieved to know there would be no serious consequences for him.

Which I could have told him right away if not for the sticky situation of getting too close…
