Page 117 of Don't Date A DILF

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“Hey, Toby, I’ve got great news!”

He didn’t smile, but the rigid lines of his shoulders relaxed. “I’m not in trouble?”

“Not much,” I said. “There’s no way to completely prove you’re telling the truth and Will is not so forthcoming about what happened.”

“Of course he’s telling the truth!” Holly protested.

“I know that, of course,” I said. “Toby’s a good kid. But we have to go off the information we have.”

“But if you know that, why would you subject him to any punishment at all?”

“It’s not much of one,” I assured her. “Toby, you’ll need to run all your research by me for any more assignments you turn in. I’m also going to give you a few extra tasks for our Live History event, as well.”

Holly scoffed. “This is ridiculous. You just said he wasn’t in trouble.”

I felt my smile freeze. I’d met parents like this before. Many times before. Holly was just being protective of her son. But after the stress of the past few days, it hit harder than usual.

She continued. “Really, if you’re going to call yourself my husband’s boyfriend, I’d expect better—”

“Ex-husband,” I said.


“I’m yourex-husband’sboyfriend,” I clarified. “And that’s why I couldn’t be the one to decide the outcome of this situation for Toby. The same reason parents can’t make decisions for their children.”

She shook her head. “But…Toby’s not your child.”

“I know,” I said quietly. “He’s your son. Not mine. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about him.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean…” She trailed off, seeming uncertain of what to say.

“Of course you care, Clark,” Hunter said, placing a hand to my lower back. It wasn’t as comforting as it usually was.

I took a breath, my chest feeling as if it would cave in any moment. “You’re just protective of Toby. I understand completely. I tried my best to be fair.” I swallowed hard as Holly looked helplessly toward Hunter. “I should go so you all can get to dinner. I’m sure you have a lot of catching up to do.”

I tried not to think of what that catching up would entail. Where would Holly sleep? Would Hunter feel any flickers of the old attraction and love for her while she was in his house—this beautiful house I’d helped him restore? The house that was starting to feel like my home, even though it was now painfully clear that it wasn’t.

I had to get out of here before every fear and insecurity showed on my face.

But before I did, I had to check on my student. Even if I didn’t feel like much of a boyfriend right now, I was still a teacher.

“Toby, do you have any questions?”

“What sort of extra tasks will I have to do?”

“Nothing too scary. Maybe some costume or stage work. Things all the kids help with anyway.”

He nodded. “Okay, that doesn’t sound too hard. Thanks, Cla—er, Mr. Fletcher.”

Hearing him shift from calling me Clark to the more formal Mr. Fletcher was another stab to the heart.

I attempted a smile, though based on Toby’s alarmed look, it wasn’t very convincing. “Enjoy your time with your mom then. I’ll see you after spring break.”

Holly stepped forward. “I’m sorry if I came across… I didn’t mean to be rude.” She rubbed at her forehead. “It’s been a long day, but I should thank you for taking such good care of my boys. It was so darn hard to be away from them, I can tell you.” She chuckled. “I’ve even been thinking about moving here.”

“What?” Hunter said, looking startled.

“Really?” Toby exclaimed, excitement shining in his eyes.
