Page 121 of Don't Date A DILF

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“You look beautiful,” I said. “I was surprised you wanted to go tonight, but I’m proud of you for how well you’ve dealt with these last-minute plans.”

Holly’s peaceful expression cracked as her forehead creased in a frown. “Actually, it didn’t go as smoothly as I let you believe.”

I finished sliding my suit jacket on over my navy blue button-down, my heart speeding up at her words. “What happened?”

“I, uh, had a little freak-out at the store.” She grimaced. “I thought I’d made so much progress, coming here. But shopping today, I was right back there, panicking over a stupid dress!”

She smacked a hand against the skirt of her dress angrily, making it swish around her.

“Hey, it’s okay,” I said gently, worried she was on the verge of a breakdown that would ruin the evening’s plans.

I didn’t really care about attending the wedding reception. I was only going because Holly had decided to attend and she didn’t want to go alone. I’d texted Clark to let him know I’d be there with her—but not as a date—and he’d sent me a thumbs-up, which I hadn’t found all that reassuring. Part of me would be relieved to skip it. But I knew Holly would be disappointed and frustrated if we didn’t make it after she’d gone to the trouble of shopping and dressing for the occasion.

“It’s not okay.” Her eyes were glossy with unshed tears. “I hate that I upset Toby like that, you know? I apologized after we got home, but I don’t know… Maybe you should talk to him.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I can do that. Of course. I’ll make sure he’s okay.”

“Thanks.” Holly exhaled shakily. “I want to be better, but I’m just not, Hunter. I’m not there yet.”

I opened my arms and she sank into my embrace, shuddering a little as I hugged her. I rested my chin on her head. “You knew this wouldn’t be easy.”

“I know.” Her voice was muffled against my shirt. “I know I’m the one who told you to go, but I miss you guys so much. I miss my family.”

“We miss you too. Toby, especially. He loves you so much.”

She stepped back and grabbed a tissue from my nightstand to carefully dab under her eyes. Thankfully, she hadn’t cried enough to wreck all her makeup. She took a deep breath. “I meant it when I said I might want to move here. Today at the shop…Clark was there with a friend of his.”

My eyebrows shot up, part of me braced for jealousy or resentment. But Holly surprised me by smiling. “He was really sweet, Hunter. He got his friend to help me pick out a dress. They were both so nice. I would have expected Clark to want to claw my eyes out, especially after I was so rude the first time we met.” She shook her head, as if still in disbelief. “Everyone in Granville is just so amazingly kind. I think…when I’m ready, it would be a good place to call home.”

“It would be great for you to be here for Toby,” I said carefully. “But you know it couldn’t be the same for us, right? I’ve moved on.”

“I know. I can see why,” she said, her voice sincere. “Clark was so calm, Hunter, even when I wasn’t. He seemed like someone who could handle anything. You deserve someone like that. Someone you can lean on too.”

I swallowed hard. This wasn’t an easy conversation to have with the woman I’d once pledged my life to. “I love him.”

“I know you do.” Her voice was a bit wistful. “I’m so happy you could find that again. I’m just sorry…”

“No, don’t apologize. You made the decision you needed, and you weren’t wrong. I did enable you. I still do. I’m not sure how to be with someone and not give them everything I have, and that would have only held you back.”

She nodded once. “Yeah. Aren’t we a pair?”

I chuckled. “Meeting Clark helped me realize that some people make each other stronger. He’s made me feel like a better person. I hope you meet someone who can do the same for you, Holly. I’m sorry it couldn’t be me.”

“Me too.” She drew a deep breath and glanced at my alarm clock. “Shoot, is that the time? We better get going before we ruin another marriage.”

She winked playfully, and I laughed, relieved that we could be honest with each other. We’d never be husband and wife again, but maybe we could love one another.

We could be friends. Even family.

But Clark was the partner who made me feel like a better man and a better father. He owned my heart. I just had to make sure he knew that.



Elmer and Agatha’swedding reception was in the old McGee barn, which meant crossing over grassy, lumpy ground in heels for Holly. She clung to my arm for balance as we made our way inside and looked around.

The massive barn was strung with white fairy lights and swaths of golden fabric draped between rafters, lending the place a rustic elegance. Round tables covered in white tablecloths were situated around the edges of the barn, illuminated by flickering candlelight, while the center floor space remained open for dancing. A DJ had set up in one corner and a small bar in the other.
