Page 59 of Don't Date A DILF

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I took a seat on the floor, leaning back against a wall he hadn’t begun to paint yet. “Can you keep this to yourself?”

He shot me a pointed look. “You know I can keep my mouth shut.”

It was true he hadn’t told anyone about why I’d chosen to return home. The scandal had made news, of course, but no one knew how closely connected I’d been to it, and I preferred to keep it that way. It wasn’t some shameful secret, but it was a major source of disappointment. Disappointment in Alexa’s bad choices, in my own decision to keep her secrets far too long, in life and in love. I might not have been the lovesick fool who’d let her boyfriend manipulate her into covering up his daughter’s cheating, but I’d been idealistic and naive about the idea of love always being the right choice.

“No one asks about what happened in Omaha,” I pointed out. “This is different. Augustus might ask.”

Joe sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. I probably can’t keep it from him.”

I nodded, thinking about that. “All right, that’s fair. I trust him too.”

“Okay, so…what’s the big secret?”

“It’s not a big secret, as in, dark or serious. It’s kind of silly. I, um...I’m not really dating Hunter.”

Joe paused in the act of rolling paint to turn toward me. “You’re not? But at the store…”

I nodded. “We’re faking it.”

“What? Why would you do that?”

“Well, to stop Nana from setting me up with more guys like Percy for one thing.”

Joe’s lips quirked with amusement. “I heard you had a couple of interesting nights at trivia. It’s making me wonder if I should start going.”

“Interesting is one way to put it. Humiliating would be another.”

“Okay, so I see how it might benefit you, but why would Hunter… He’s straight, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, but he’s got his reasons. It was actually his idea.”


Joe resumed painting, so I assumed the grilling was over, but then he put the roller all the way down and took a seat on the floor next to me. “I don’t know about this, Clark. This might be fake for Hunter, but you’ve got a crush on him.”

“W-what?” I spluttered. “No, I don’t.”

“Dude, it has been obvious for months.”

“So, he’s attractive. That doesn’t mean anything.”

“Doesn’t it?” He nudged me with his shoulder. “Can you really tell me you can fake it with this guy and not feel anything?”

I squirmed, knowing he was uncomfortably close to the truth. I did feel things, but I was keeping it in hand. It wouldn’t go beyond a few small shows of affection in public. I could handle that. I wasn’t in love with the guy or anything.

“I know it isn’t real,” I said. “I won’t forget how badly that went for Alexa.”

“I’m not really worried about it being like that,” he said. “You’re not Alexa, and Hunter’s son isn’t your actual student, right? You’re not grading him or anything.”

“I’m not,” I agreed, “but he’s still in my program. I’m responsible for him.”

“Maybe, but you’re the most ethical guy I know. My real worry is that you’re going to catch feelings and get hurt when they’re not returned.”

“That won’t happen,” I promised. “I went into this with my eyes open.”

“What about the rest of our friends? What will you tell them?” Joe asked. “You can’t ignore their questions forever.”

I pulled out my phone and opened it to the trivia group chat, which was cluttered with questions about the rumors spreading about Hunter and me. I tapped out a quick response:Nana set up Hunter and I on a date. I doubt it’ll get that serious, but at least it’ll keep her from sending any more Percys my way. Sorry for not answering sooner.
