Page 78 of Don't Date A DILF

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Kevin:Oh! You’ve been doing your homework. Good boy!

Hunter:Ha. Ha. Just trying to figure shit out.

Kevin:I’m kidding, but it’s good you’re thinking this through. I’m happy to keep Toby. I miss that runt too. Maybe I’ll even keep him all weekend ;)

Hunter:You’re the best! I take back everything I said to Mom about wanting a choo-choo train instead of a little brother.

Kevin:You said what?

Hunter:Gotta go!

I pocketed my phone, grinning wide at the thought of an entire weekend to finally have Clark all to myself. Things had been easier with Kevin since our conversation Monday too. The guilt that had weighed me down felt a little lighter. Nothing had changed. I still knew I’d let him down for all those years. But day by day, I was making up for it.

I was in Granville now, and I wasn’t going anywhere. And if I had my way this weekend, Clark wouldn’t be going anywhere either—except to bed with me.

That night after Toby was asleep, I slid one hand down my underwear, stroking slowly as I thought about the small mewls of pleasure Clark made when I kissed him. The way he clung to me as if afraid I’d try to get away when all I wanted was to get closer. His shiver when I brushed my lips over the softer skin of his neck.

I couldn’t wait to see his full-body tremble when I finally got my lips on more of him. As my thoughts unspooled, my climax grew closer, and I no longer had any doubts.

I was going to love every minute exploring my attraction to Clark Fletcher. My pleasure built into a crescendo, and my orgasm washed over me, only intensifying the desire to do this with the real man who was taking up so much space in my heart and my mind.



“You know Clark, right? My boyfriend.”

My chest warmed at how easily the word flowed from Hunter’s lips.Boyfriend. Not that it was true. This part of our relationship was still…if not fake, then exaggerated. This was our first real date. Still. At least he’d be in good practice if we ever made it to the boyfriend stage?

“Of course, yeah.” Garrett Rafferty stepped away from the grill and held out a hand to shake. Dang. If Hunter was big, then Garrett was huge. He chuckled. “Welcome to my backyard.”

Kevin sauntered over with an empty plate covered in grease. “All right, big daddy, your meat has been delivered. But you know I hate sharing, so you’ll have to make it up to me later.”

Hunter sighed and shook his head. “Way to make an entrance, Kev.”

Kevin turned toward us, wide smile in place. “What can I say? I’m naturally gifted that way.”

He wasn’t kidding. Kevin was a bit of a showstopper today, wearing shorts over black tights, an oversized fuzzy pink sweater, and a wig of bubble-gum pink that was cut into a cute little bob. He was adorable, and brave as heck in the way he dressed in this little town full of more grannies than gay men like us.

I felt a bit like a slob in comparison, wearing jeans and a simple navy sweater—no button down or bowtie since it seemed like I should keep it casual for a barbecue. Hunter, of course, looked delicious in stonewashed jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt that hugged his pecs and biceps. He could dress in a sack and look amazing. Or nothing. Nothing would be good too.

Patience, Clark. You’re going to see the man naked tonight if everything goes to plan.

My pulse went haywire.Oops. That thought was not helping. Now, I wanted to drag Hunter behind a bush and finally finish what we’d started oh-so-many times.

“I am loving this weather.” Kevin tipped his face to the sky, soaking in sunlight like a cat in a window. “I need everyone to leave so I can sunbathe before it’s all cloudy and miserable again.”

Weather in the Midwest could be unpredictable. Two days ago, it had been gray, cold, and windy. Today? It was only mildly chilly with a bright sun beaming on us from clear skies.

“It’s a little cold for a swimsuit,” Garrett said.

“Who said anything about a suit?”

Garrett’s gaze swept over Kevin and he swallowed hard, apparently imagining Kevin sunbathing right in front of us.

Hunter cleared his throat. “Okay, well, thanks for the visual I didn’t need.” He waved his hand at Kevin. “Clark, I’m sure you remember my brother, right?”

“I don’t know,” I joked. “He’s not very memorable.”
