Page 81 of Don't Date A DILF

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“God, yes, please come in,” he said, his voice breathy.

He threaded his fingers through my hair and pulled me into another kiss, this one more heated, and I got lost in the taste of him, still tangy from the potato salad he’d eaten at the cook-out. My cock hardened, becoming uncomfortable in the confines of my jeans as Clark tried to devour me in the front seat.

I finally found the will power to break the kiss, if only because I was desperate to get this man in a bed where I could properly appreciate the moment. Clark tightened his grip on my hair, trying to pull me back down.

“Easy, angel. Let’s take it inside.” I brushed a thumb over his swollen bottom lip. “I want to kiss a lot more than this sweet mouth.”

Clark trembled, and damn if it wasn’t heady as fuck to know he was this wrecked from just a kiss. He nodded and unbuckled his seat belt, then got out of the car. I followed him to his door, oddly calm given I was about to have sex with a man for the first time.

Anticipation simmered in me, making me anxious to get inside, but there was no doubt. No hesitation. Maybe because this wasn’t just some man. This was Clark, and I felt incredibly comfortable with him.

The idea of sex with him didn’t feel strange anymore. Not taking this step is what would feel unnatural. The pull between us, the attraction, the friendship, it was all undeniable.

Didn’t hurt that we’d been dancing on this precipice all week, edging each other with intense make-outs that couldn’t find a proper conclusion.

Until now.

Clark opened the door, and Mookie danced around our feet, nails clicking on the hardwood floor. Unlike the scratched, dusty ones at my fixer-upper, these floors gleamed.

I didn’t waste time complimenting his floors though. I pressed the man against his front door and took his mouth in another kiss, this one deep and filthy. Mookie yipped. Then yipped again. Clark held on to my arms, opening to my tongue, sexy whimpers escaping him that only worked up the damn dog even more.

When Mookie jumped against our legs with a growl, we parted with a laugh.

“I think he’s jealous,” Clark said.

I crouched down to scratch behind Mookie’s floppy ears while he panted happily. “Sorry, little guy, but I call dibs on Clark. He’s all mine.”

Clark drew in a sharp breath above me, and I glanced up, gaze catching on the tent in his jeans before reaching his eyes.

“You like that idea, huh?” I teased while grazing my knuckles over his crotch.

His breathing stuttered. “Y-yeah.”

I knew there was a cock right behind the fabric I was stroking. That I should maybe feel odd about touching him there. But I was too caught up in his dilating pupils, the rosy glow of arousal in his cheeks, the way he bit his bottom lip as he gazed down at me, lust-drunk from the light touch.

“Go take care of Mookie,” I said, patting the side of his thigh. “I don’t want any distractions once I have you naked.”

Clark nodded and jolted into action, moving into the kitchen to dish up some dog food and take it and a bowl of water to the enclosed porch on the back of his house. Once Mookie was gobbling it happily, Clark dashed inside and shut the door.

“Bedroom,” I said.

Clark grabbed my hand and practically dragged me down the hall, so eager he tripped over his own feet as we entered his bedroom. I caught him and we stumbled the few steps to his bed, where we crashed down together, laughing.

“I’m probably really impressing you,” he said, sounding embarrassed. “So sexy, right?”

I adjusted our positions, pinning him to the bed beneath me, and pushed down with my hips, rubbing my cock against him. “Feels pretty sexy to me.”

He gasped, lifting his hips, and I reached for his glasses. “May I?”

“Please,” he murmured.

I removed the frames, placing them on his bedside table, then refocused on him. He was cute with his glasses on. I dug his geeky vibe. But without them? Those eyes drew me in with a force I couldn’t fight. Not that I wanted to.

I dipped my head to kiss him again.

The heat of his mouth was delicious, and the friction through our jeans was hot as hell, but it wasn’t much more than a tease. I’d had enough of that to last a lifetime, so I levered up to push his sweater toward his armpits and get my hands on his body.

Clark followed my lead and pulled his shirt over his head, baring his pale skin dusted with fine blond hair. I pressed a kiss to his breastbone, then pulled a nipple into my mouth. He arched, making a soft sound of pleasure as my tongue stroked over the tip and my teeth followed in a small nibble.
