Page 21 of Steadfast Alpha

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I sighed as tears welled in my eyes. “Are you happy?” I already knew the answer. Still, I wanted to hear the words.

“The only time in my life that I’ve ever been happier is the day you became mine.”

I ran into his arms, letting the tears flow. This was it. I’d stepped right into my dream. It was overwhelming and, despite craving this so badly, I feared I wasn’t ready.

Fate didn’t care though. Perhaps she knew something I didn’t.

“I’m so in love with you, mate. I can’t believe we’re going to have a family.”

“I am, too.”

We spent the rest of the day reveling in our joy. We joked over silly names for the baby and made an appointment with the healer.

By the time the afternoon came around, the nausea had passed, and I was starving.

“Can I take you out to dinner, new papa?” Locke asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked down and realized he wouldn’t be able to do that for much longer.

“Yes. Are you sure? I’ve taken up so much of your day already.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, love. How about burgers and fries? None of that fancy stuff like steak-and-brie sandwiches.”

I gasped and turned around. “I never did eat that sandwich. My heart was a little broken. I gave it to Franklin.”

“Ah, mate. That was my mistake. I should’ve come after you. I knew you were mine even then.” He shrugged. “I didn’t eat mine, either, by the way.

“You have time to make up for it,” I said, winking at him.

“Let’s start today, shall we? I’ve got both of you to feed now.”

Chapter Eighteen


“It’s all happening so fast.” Sheppard stopped outside the healer’s office door. “Maybe we don’t need to be here this early? I mean, nothing’s wrong. Probably. I’m just a little tired and feel somewhat off.”

“And that’s why we made the appointment.” I opened the door and waved him ahead of me. “Because probably isn’t good enough and you agreed that you’d allow the healer to examine you to ease my worries.”

“I agreed under duress.”

I leaned in and whispered in his ear, “You agreed under me.”

“Alpha! We’re in public.” His cheeks flamed, but he was smiling. “I still say duress.”

“Whatever it takes to make sure my omega gets the very best care.” I guided him to the front desk where a man in scrubs waited. “Hi. I’m Locke and this is my mate, Sheppard—”

The man stood and held out his hand. “Oh, you don’t have to introduce this athlete to me. When I saw his name on the schedule, I was very excited to be able to meet you.” Shaking his hand, he shook his head. “I’m Healer Josh. Normally you won’t find me at the front desk like this, but my assistant is out today. Come right back and we’ll start the exam.”

“Are you okay with him knowing who you are?” I asked my omega in a low voice. “I know you like slipping under the radar.”

“No, this is okay.” He hugged me and brushed a kiss on my cheek. “Some people will always know who I am, usually other swimmers who love to watch the sport. But when they are like the healer, I’m comfortable.”

“You mean some people aren’t like him?”

“Gentlemen?” Healer Josh stood in the doorway to an exam room. “If you want to get changed into a gown, Sheppard, I will be in my office. Just call out when you’re ready.”

“Thank you, I will.” Once the healer was behind a closed door, Sheppard said, “Some people are rabid fans and others are armchair experts.”

“The armchair experts want to tell you everything and the rabid fans want to hear all about this swimming rabbit’s triumphs?”
