Page 135 of Taste Me

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Shit. Of course the penthouse is bugged. The patriarchs must have let things fly just so Zy and Kor thought they could speak freely.

It was brilliant. It was a long-term game that the patriarchs are known for.

And I fell for it.

Zane blurs, yanking me out of Royce’s lap. I screech from the rough jolt that nearly snaps my elbow as I stumble against the tall, blond-haired vampire. My mute collar prevents my voice from killing them like it should have.

You don’t have any experience with feeding yet,” Zane says to Royce. “You’ll gnaw her head straight off without learning control. And given that you chose one of the strongest of my sons, I’d appreciate not having to damage her to get her away from you when you fail.”

Royce crosses his arms, making Kor’s muscles bulge underneath his dress shirt. “And you propose to teach me control?”

“That was always the plan,” Zane says with a grin.

My eyes widen. This is why Zane was kept around. The patriarchs needed a vampire to teach them how to function in the bodies of my mates.

Because even though they have death magic, they are vampires through and through.

Royce blurs across the room, placing a hand on me. “You’ll have to teach me control after I get my first taste,” he says, his eyes turning red with bloodlust.

Then he bites just above the edge of my collar.

The room explodes in chaos as I scream. Zane is shouting, clawing at Kor’s body, and leaving deep gouges in his skin.

But Royce is oblivious. He sinks his fangs deep into my skin and starts to draw in long, suctioning pulls.

He begins to feed.

A single word tingles on the edge of my tongue. The only one that has any hope of saving me.

My sister’s name.

And my safe word spelled to protect me if any of my mates go too far. Zy said the safe word spell applied to him and his brothers because we had bound it to his blood.

Blood he shares with Kor.


* * *

Magic snaps through me, crackling over my skin and making my collar burn like fire.

I claw at it as I scream. The sound only builds through the room, like pressing against a bubble that’s about to burst.

I expect my sister’s voice in my head, but she doesn’t respond.

Which means either she’s dead, or she can’t hear me.

“Fucking bitch!” Zane growls, slapping me across the face. The force sends me sprawling across the floor. “Are you trying to kill my only shot at tasting a death goddess? This idiot might be pathetic, but he’s my link to the death plane.” He kicks me right in the ribs, making me grunt in pain as the wind is knocked out of me.





“This up for me!”
