Page 145 of Taste Me

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Two days later…

“What the fuck happened to our cottage?” Ayla asks as she stands in the doorway, completely stunned. She’s sporting a heavy backpack and lets it fall to the ground.

Putting the book I’m reading in my lap, I respond with sign language out of habit, even though I don’t need to.I redecorated.

That’s an understatement, really. The cottage was practically falling in on itself by the time Daithi’s army was done with it, then the forest tried to reclaim it while I was gone.

While my mates were helping me fix it back up, I might have gotten a little carried away.

“Redecorated?” she says incredulously, entering the living area to wander through the new leather couches and polished oak end tables until she arrives at the new bar Zy installed. He had to pop out the entire cottage wall to fit it in, but there’s nothing a little magic and shirtless, manly labor can’t fix.

She stares at the various liquors, at the painted cabinets that Kor and I picked out colors for, and then blinks at a new espresso machine that Jasper bought for me when he found out I like coffee.

“How did you afford all this? Did you finally ask Fallon for money?”

I smile but make sure not to laugh. “Not exactly,” I say aloud. “Let’s just say I’ve come into contact with rare supernatural blood that buys anything I want.”

Ayla freezes, not from what I said but because I said the words out loud. Fear flashes over her face before curiosity takes over when her spirit isn’t ripped from her body.

I know it’s rude to frighten her, but I can’t resist the surprise.

You guys can come out now,I mentally think to my mates waiting patiently in the bedroom.

They knew that my cousin and roommate would finally be coming home today. She has been on a mission of her own, traveling the world, and as expected, she’s out of touch when it comes to the latest news regarding me. Usually, there’s not too much going on. My life has been uneventful since Fallon saved me.

And then that changed pretty quickly.

I have no doubt she heard about the massacres, but Fallon told her that I was safe and left it at that so I could have my fun.

Ayla produces a knife and twirls it. “I assume your miraculous ability to speak without killing everyone around you has something to do with your new mates?”

I frown. “Hey, that was supposed to be a surprise.”

Ayla gives me a flat stare. “Fallon told me. Otherwise, I would have sensed their auras and come in here and killed them, thinking someone else had forcibly mated you.”

“Oh,” I said sheepishly. “I didn’t think of that.”

She points the knife at the doorway. “Are they going to come out now or stand there all night?”

Ayla’s magic hums around her with threatening waves when Zy, Jas, and Kor enter the room. Her power resides in soul magic, allowing her many gifts that would make most people envious.

Her looks are one of her best features, though, and I can’t help but glance at my mates to see their reactions. She’s gorgeous. Because she’s adopted, she doesn’t share my ethnicity. Where my hair is blonde, hers is black as midnight, with dark, almond-shaped eyes to match. Her olive skin is different from my own and looks silky to the touch.

It doesn’t matter that she’s been traveling. She’s beautiful.

And untrusting. She was forcibly mated just like most witches in the Outcast Coven and she has no interest in taking a mate again.

Although, I have a feeling she will soon. There’s something about her that seems compatible with darkness.

But she can’t have my mates, my darkness. Possessive instinct makes me evaluate their reactions to the unmated beauty that is my cousin.

Luckily, they only boast looks of intrigue and curiosity.

Zy gives me a look as if he knows what I’m thinking and his expression changes to one of devious sensuality when he meets my gaze. He’s wearing his glasses, but his slight grin tells me that he’s already planning activities for tonight.

Spirits, I need to move.Even though Ayla travels a lot, I do not want to be sharing a wall with her when she’s home, not when Zy has that look.

“Ayla, meet my mates,” I say, hoping an introduction will be a good place to start before I throw ideas about moving at her, because I have no idea where I’ll go. I like it here.
