Page 29 of Taste Me

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Zyran shrugs. “The cloaking spell previously cast on them broke when Daithi died. The idiot hid them in his nightstand.”

I’m not surprised Zyran rummaged through Daithi’s things, but Iamsurprised he kept it a secret until now. “When were you going to tell me?” I ask as I pick up one of the rings.

This is how we’ve been controlled. Our mother is linked to our creation, and in effect, whoever holds these rings controls our souls.

Mine feels so heavy. So full of the weight of death and loss.

Zyran takes his and puts it on. “Because I knew you’d look at it like that, and I don’t want to see you suffer, brother.”

“I’ve been suffering for the past twelve years,” I tell him.

He gives me a grim look, one that says he’s very aware. “So, does that mean you’re ready to go to Lapland?”

I sigh and make a fist, testing out the weight. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”



Rejection should have eliminated any pull between us, but I’m acutely aware of Jasper’s presence at my back.

He gave me my privacy when I took a shower, and I gave him his.

Yet all I could think about when he was under the water was his kissable jawline, his body, and hisdanger.

He’d skimmed his fangs over my pulse, but he hadn’t bitten me.

Do I want him to bite me?I wonder as I clutch the bedsheets to my chin.

It scares me that I do. I want to be marked by this man.


I want him to take back his rejection and replace it with the promise of his body, his danger, and his bite.

The pain of his rejection continued to return, and by the time he’s done with the shower, I’m trembling with it.

He doesn’t say a word. Simply disrobes and enters the bed with me, then takes my hand.

He doesn’t try to touch me, or seduce me, but just holds my hand and lets the contact ease my pain.

Or maybe it’s self-preservation on his part, because touching me allows him to survive my deadly words.

“What now?” I whisper, eager to use my voice. Since he presented the opportunity, it would be a waste to remain silent.

I haven’t talked to anyone since my powers manifested. Not physically, anyway, without killing them.

I was lucky that my sister hadn’t been one of the victims.

Now, I wonder if fate had played her hand. I’d been in a strategic position, one that decimated my family’s standing within the Outcast Coven and set a course for Fallon and me that led to this very moment.

In no other world would I have wound up in Lapland. I was a daughter of the Outcast Coven, an offshoot of the syndicates in New York.

Now, I found myself here, as the target of a mercenary who so happened to be my perfectly compatible mate.

That was either fate.

Or design.
