Page 55 of Taste Me

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Zyran is her fated mate, too.

How is this possible?

“My brothers are dead,” Jasper says. He pulls out of the witch and covers her with the sheet, but his cock gleams with the evidence of her arousal.

My own cock throbs, wanting to be the one inside of her.

Zyran seems to free himself from his stunned state. He props his sword by the doorway, marches over to Jasper, and hauls him away from the witch. “We’re not dead, you moron. It’s bad enough you didn’t recognize me when I gave you the kill order, but fucking my fated mate? I should kill you right here for that.”

The witch tugs the sheets over her chest, hiding her plump, beautiful breasts from view. She seems nervous as she plucks at a loose thread. “I don’t know how this is possible, but I seem to be mated to all of you,” she says softly.

Her words rip through me as if she shouted them. I stumble back as pain blooms through my center. Her magic wraps chains around my spirit and weighs it down as if trying to tear it free from its fleshy cage, but I steady myself, shaking off the effects.

Her words kill.

Just like Zyran’s eyes.

Just like Jasper’s touch.

She’s an incarnation of death—making her perfectly suited to be our fated mate.

I put the pieces together quickly. Our mother prayed us into existence and because of a goddess of death, my brothers and I were born the way we were.

We’ve always been linked, and now it seems we share a fated mate.

A gorgeous death witch that I can’t wait to taste.

“What did you just say?” Jasper snaps at her.

She flinches from his tone and I don’t like that at all.

I move faster than most, and given the supernatural speed of the typical vampire, that’s saying something. I practically teleport between Jasper and our witch, startling him.

To his credit, he doesn’t back away.

“You heard her just fine, brother,” I say, keeping my tone unnervingly steady. “It seems we’re going to have to learn to share.”

Zyran scoffs. “Jas was always the worst when it came to sharing. Remember my wolf blood collection? Gone. And for what? To buy a stupid blade. Didn’t even need the damn thing to kill anybody, not when his skin itself is lethal.”

Jasper’s eyes widen as he listens to Zy ramble on, as he does.

But Zy’s words just proved a point. Wearehis brothers, even if there are lost years between us. We know things about him that no one else ever would.

“I’ve never told anyone that story,” Jasper marvels. He rubs the back of his neck. “You’re… here? How is this possible?”

“It’s a long story, Jas,” I tell him. Even though I’ve imagined how this conversation would go a thousand times, it’s not one we can have right now.

Another scream pierces the air and Ishara jolts. “I don’t think we can stay here. My… I broke the barrier.”

“Your last scream just wiped out a bunch of them,” Zyran informs her. He grins, and I presume he’s figured out why her last scream was so powerful. “Care to scream for us again, baby?”

“No,” both Jasper and I say at the same time.

He gives me a level stare and I nod in return.

I accept that he’s Ishara’s fated mate. Sharing is something I can do, but my only requirement is that Ishara be respected in every way.

