Page 60 of Taste Me

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I realize that’s exactly what’s happening when we land. The one called “Kor” barks orders while blue flames threaten to consume me.

Out of habit, I clamp down my scream. I don’t know where we’ve wound up or who could be nearby. Using my voice always gets me into trouble, not to mention I could kill someone who doesn’t deserve it.

There could be children nearby. I’d never forgive myself if I harmed a child.

The scream is lodged in my throat as I wrap my arms around myself and bear it.

Jasper draws me into his chest while Kor shouts at him, but it does the trick.

His death touch steadies me and wipes out the flames, leaving me trembling and surprisingly cold.

I blink up at him, not sure exactly what happened, but then the sounds of the living invade my senses.

A siren blasts, its whine echoing against stone walls.

Men shout and a woman’s scream rips through my core, making me look around.

We’ve landed in the middle of a busy foyer. There are couches framed by fancy statues and furniture while chandeliers release a bright golden glow to the enormous room.

It would be a beautiful place, if not for all the bloodied bodies strewn about.

I don’t dare speak, but when someone runs up to Kor, I realize what’s happened.

“We’ve been attacked,” a male says. He has a sense of authority even though he’s young. The look he gives Kornelius suggests we’re not supposed to be here. “Who are they?”

Kornelius gives the youth a respectable nod. “Daithi’s betrothed and fated mate,” he says without missing a beat. When the other male takes a step back, Kornelius puts a hand in his pocket and pulls something out. He blurs an instant later, his superior vampiric speed making him too fast for me to stop him as he slips something around my neck and it locks into place.

“Her mute collar is on. It’s safe.”

I graze the icy metal with my fingers as my eyes widen. An instant rush of cool energy sweeps over me, making me shiver.Have I been betrayed?

I don’t see any children or innocents in the vicinity to keep me silent. Only misogynistic males who want to control women.

“What is this?” I ask.

Nothing happens. No one dies. No one reacts.

The male gives me a sinister grin. “He finally did it. He finally made her a fucking restraint for that damn power of hers.”

I was forcibly muted before by the patriarchs, but I had never worn a collar. That magic never existed. Nothing has ever been able to tame my voice, or else it would have been a simple matter to silence me so I didn’t have to hide in a basement.

A mute collar would have been a blessing once, but now? Now it feels like a chain around my neck suppressing everything I’m supposed to be.

Suppressing me.

Suppressing myvoice.

My stomach drops and a breath catches for me to protest, but Zyran rushes to my side. “Daithi ordered us to bring her here. Gold and Garnet wants her power for themselves. They’re probably the ones who attacked us, the bastards.”

I only see my enraged reflection in his sunglasses, but there’s an unspoken message behind his words.

Play along, baby girl,his body seems to say.We’ll explain soon.

Jasper hasn’t made a move. He continues to hold me and keep me close to him as if he’s afraid someone might take me away. Based on his frown, he didn’t know about the collar.

And he had been sent to kill me. That’s probably something that would have been useful, so why hadn’t he been given the device in the first place?

The men continue to talk over me as I’m not even there, but in my suppression there’s a strange sense of security.
