Page 69 of Taste Me

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I hug his arms around my chest as I gulp in air. It’s as if I’ve been underwater and he’s just brought me to the surface.

Hearing the screams of the dead is nothing new. I deal with it on a daily basis, but I’ve never been in the middle of a massacre.

Aside from the one I caused when I killed my father and his supporters, but that still didn’t number in the hundreds. And I can’t remember the actual event anyway.

After Daithi started killing people in Lapland, it was worse than I remembered it ever being. But the cries I had heard while in the cottage only hurt when Jasper didn’t have his hands on me. Even then, they had been muffled.

Perhaps having all three of them in the same room with me provides some sort of buffer.

But that buffer couldn’t stand up to five hundred dead in the immediate vicinity, and it wasn’t just the number, it was the kind of souls that had died.


It frightened me that Kornelius would take so many lives, but now I wonder if he’d targeted criminals to activate his ability. Bad people wouldn’t be very hard to find in syndicate territory just a stone’s throw from the Outcast Coven.

“Better?” Jasper asks.

I’m shaky, but at least I don’t feel like throwing up. “Better,” I agree.

He grins at me, showing off his lengthy fangs. “Good.”

Based on the hungry look he’s giving me, I expect Jasper to make a move, but he continues to hold me while pressing a light kiss against my throat.

He grounds me.

He’s simply here with me, in whatever capacity I need him.

Even if my body wants him, I’m exhausted. I also can’t deny the effects that fated magic is having on me. Fate chose these three vampires for a reason.

The screams of the dead nearly overwhelmed me when I’d let go of Jasper a few hours ago. I didn’t realize how much the triad had been protecting me.

I’d been in this room trying to shut the screams out ever since, but the more I tried, the more fate reminded me that the three brothers were my cure.


When Jasper skims his teeth over my neck, I picture Kornelius on the other side using his fangs.

When Jasper licks my ear, I imagine Zyran licking me somewhere… else.

Spirits, save me from this craving.

I’ve studied fated-mate magic more than most. The reason it works so well is because it’s, well, fated.

Our ideal matches are out there and fate knows who they are. When we find them, it gives us a little boost to speed things along.

Without it, one might walk past their soul mate and have no idea. Fate magic makes sure we know, then gives us a chance to embrace our perfect match, or walk away. We’re still given a choice, but at least we won’t miss the opportunity.

In my case, fate chose three brothers. It’s unusual, but most things in my life generally are.

My sister had been under a spell that forced a fated bond where there shouldn’t have been one, giving me a reason to study the magic more intensely. If it could be replicated where a bond shouldn’t exist, there was no telling what kind of other dangerous possibilities were out there.

On top of it, there had been an obedience spell locked in place that not only took away her free will, but completely blocked me from her mind. It had been horrible, devastating, and—

I freeze when I realize I’m doing the exact same thing to my sister. I may not be trapped in a fake bond, but I’m blocking her out when she has no idea if I’m alive or dead.

My desire to protect her is clouding my judgment. For now, I’m not in immediate danger.

Although, Jasper’s dangerous gaze reflecting in the mirror suggests otherwise.
