Page 71 of Taste Me

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I take a deep breath before responding.I found my fated mates, Fallon. They’re three vampires. Well, some sort of necromancy-vampire hybrids, anyway. One of them has a teleportation ability, but there’s something I need you to know.

Mates?she shrieks, but she’s excited this time.Oh, Gods, Issy! I’m so happy for you! Andmates,as in plural?

Of course she’d be distracted by the news that fate chose multiple peens for me. Exciting, yes, but I was not in the headspace to imagine all the possibilities that would mean.

Fallon, listen. I’m trying to tell you something important. Gold and Garnet is going to be blamed for five hundred deaths, and most of them are probably syndicate members. That’s how Kornelius’s power works. If there’s a massacre, he’s sucked into the area by the flux of death.

What? Are you serious?Another moment of silence passes and I’m not sure if she’s talking to one of her mates or thinking.They’re going to blame you for that, too, Issy.

That’s why I can’t be with you in Iceland. This is exactly what Daithi wants. He wants to put a bounty on my head so big that all the Houses come after me, and whoever tries to protect me will start a war. Don’t you understand? I can’t be anywhere near you right now.

Issy,she says, emotion drenching the word.Please, at least tell me if you’re protected there. These vampire hybrids, they sound powerful. But can you expect them to stand up against all the Houses? If the syndicates attack because they think Gold and Garnet killed their people, there’s going to be a war and you’re going to be at the center of it.

She’s right.

“What’s she saying?” Jasper asks. He’s whispering as if he’s trying not to interrupt, but Fallon can’t hear him.

“She says that all of the Houses are going to come after me. She’s right, Jasper. Nowhere is safe.” I squeeze his hand. “Anyone with me is in danger.”

He doesn’t look as concerned as he should be. “Well, it’s a good thing Amala is going to tell us how to prove your innocence in two weeks.”

My eyes widen. “How do you know that name?” Amala is the witch who helped me learn all about fated-mate bonds. She knows how to break the ones that are spelled—although, it turned out not to be necessary for Fallon because her fake mate was executed. She’s an exile of the Outcast Coven, so I have no idea how they even got her to agree to come here. I’ve only been able to learn from her indirectly through Ayla, who was allowed to visit me when I was imprisoned. Meeting her in person was never an option, even after I moved to Lapland, because she often kept to herself.

Probably because she is very powerful. She poses as a healer—which is comical for a death witch. But it gives her the perfect front to hide behind and be considered inconsequential by most.

He shrugs. “I think she’s a fan of yours. She must have been monitoring the situation, because she reached out to my brothers and said she’s going to come help once the heat dies down. We just have to play along and keep a war from breaking out until then. Oh, and we have to keep an eye on Royce, that asshole wanna-be patriarch, and did I mention my father, Zane, is in the game, too?” He clicks his tongue. “Just what we need—a sadistic vampire added to the mix.”

That’s a lot to process, so I just blink at him.

Two weeks,I tell my sister, deciding to focus on the most pressing issue.Find a way to stall the Houses for two weeks. By then, I’ll have figured out how to prove my innocence.

I’m not sure if I can trust Amala to pull that off, but it’s my only option.

And I’m also not confident we can evade Royce and Zane and whoever else wants a piece of me by then, but that’s my problem, not Fallon’s.

My sister sighs on the other end of my mental connection.Okay, Issy. I will do my best. As Queen of Gold and Garnet, and your twin who loves you, I promise I will do everything I can to buy you time. But when the two weeks are up, I’m going to find you and hug you, no matter what the world looks like.

That sounds pretty good to me.Deal.



Iadjust my glasses as I take a left turn onto the back roads that lead to my personal town house.

The shorter routes are packed with security and matriarchs. I’m grateful to get off the main roads to avoid questioning. We’ve already been pulled over twice.

Luckily, the spell Kor and I came up with—unfortunately, with the help of the patriarchs—did its job of keeping us away from prying eyes, meaning I didn’t have to put Issy’s collar on, either. She did not seem to care for that and I didn’t blame her.

Something big is going on, though, and it’s not just syndicate deaths. Something else has happened and I make a note to ask Kor about it when we return.

For now, it’s a day of R&R for my new mate—maybe a little seduction if I can get the stick out of Jasper’s ass so he doesn’t get in the way.

Rather, I hope he encourages Ishara to accept me after what we shared with him last night. It’s not every day one meets their fated mate. I’ve been looking forward to mine, and I have every reason to protect her.

She’s Daithi’s target, and I don’t want that asshole laying his ghostly hands on her.

She’s also perfect. But I think my brother is already intimately aware of that.
