Page 7 of Perfect Blend

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As the hostess leads us to our table, I let Sally take the lead. I watch as her hips sway slightly with each step. Her legs seem to go on for miles, accentuated by her heels.

I take a deep breath as she slides into one side of our booth. I can’t sleep with her on the first date. She’s my sister’s friend.

There’s the small possibility this could lead somewhere… and, Sally doesn’t strike me as a one-night stand type of woman.

* * *


All of my nervousness that I felt almost instantly went away when Victor handed me bags of coffee beans. What kind of guy brings coffee beans instead of flowers for a first date?

No guy I know, that’s who. Besides, he’s probably just doing this as a favor for Marie.

Still, when I opened my door to find the six-foot two wall of muscle on my doorstep, I had to reconsider my self-prescribed new dating rules. Which includes not sleeping together on the first date.

As Victor gets into the booth across from me, he orders a glass of Bordeaux for himself and asks what I’d like to drink. I also take a glass of wine. We chat about the menu and place our orders.

“You know what brought me to Kastle Harbor, but what brought you here? Marie had mentioned at some point about you two being from Canada.” I savor my wine waiting for a reply.

His brows furrow, as if he’s trying to decide how much he really wants to disclose. I’m curious to know how similar we really are, each of us holding back just enough to remain on surface level.

“Yes, we were born in Quebec actually. We ended up moving to Maine when we were kids. Our grandparents lived her.” He sips on his wine before fidgeting with his sleeves.

“Did you always want to stay in Kastle Harbor?”

“No. I went to college for business out of state and came back as my grandparents grew older. Marie and I started the roastery together after we both found ourselves living back here.” His green eyes are glossy, sadness lurking behind them.

“I don’t know what Marie said, but I didn’t move here just because Jake and his firm opened up a branch here.” I close my eyes briefly, unsure if I want to share my dramatic past few months. “I found out my husband was cheating on me. He’s now my ex and I needed a fresh start. I’ll be honest with you Victor. I haven’t dated since college.”

I gesture between us before I continue, “I don’t know how this works. If I’m being too pushy or invasive, just call me out on it. I know you’re probably here just for Marie’s sake.” I add the last bit as a safety net.

“I appreciate your honesty.” He reaches out to pat my hand. His touch is warm and comforting. “I don’t always know what Marie shares. I was engaged once and it didn’t work out. I haven’t seriously dated since she left. I suppose that makes us similar when it comes to the dating game. And,” he sips his wine again, “I really did want to go out with you. It’s not just because Marie set this up.”

My heart skips a beat with his words.

Does Victor consider this date as the stepping stone to something serious?

“Well then, it doesn’t matter who’s good at it or not,” I reply.

After this brutally honest exchange, we’re back to chatting about more day-to-day things. The food is delicious and I enjoy a second glass of wine. Victor tells me about the roastery and we chat a lot about coffee and traveling. We both get tiramisu and as he pays the bill, I wish the evening wasn’t coming to an end.

My body feels warm from the alcohol and I skip putting my jacket on as we leave, eager for Victor to offer his arm again. Even if a second date isn’t on the table, I want another moment to feel close to him. As he offers his arm after holding the restaurant door open, I wrap mine around his, feeling his palms against my bare skin. Goosebumps spread across my arms, and I lean into his body as we walk to the car.

The drive home is short and Victor walks me to my door.

“Thank you for a lovely evening, Sally, it was great to get to know you more.” He extends his hand as if expecting me to end this date with a simple handshake.

It may be the alcohol in me, or the fire in my lower belly, but I want more. It’s been months since I’ve felt this close to someone.

With a confidence that even surprises me, I ignore his hand and put my palms on his face, pulling him in close. With just inches between us, I kiss him. His lips are warm, and as he eases his tongue in, a breathy moan escapes me.

As he moves his hand to my lower back, he pulls me closer. Our bodies are pressed flush against each other. I can’t tell which is his heartbeat or mine. I run my hand up the back of his shirt, wanting to touch his skin.

If only we weren’t standing on my porch. I pull away slowly and remove my hands. Victor has a crooked smile and as his thumb grazes my jaw, I know I’m in dangerous territory. I don’t know if I’d be satisfied with one night with Victor.

I can invite him in, or we can end the night now. My body is craving more, but I know I can’t go further.

As if he can read my mind, Victor leans down and kisses my forehead lightly. “Goodnight Sally,” he purrs near my ear. With that, he turns to leave.
