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“Brothers and sisters, we are gathered here today to witness the wedding bond between sister Phoenix Wolfstalker Thunderfoot and brothers Helius, Drakkon, Cadmus, and Damon Fangborn.”

Eilea held up a goblet of wine. They’d rehearsed this already. There was no blood in the wine since Phoenix and her mates had already exchanged blood months ago. Today’s ceremony was mostly symbolic, but she didn’t mind. Now all of hell knew her four demon princes belonged to her.

“Repeat after me,” Eilea said as she handed Phoenix the goblet. “I, Phoenix, take the blood of my protectors, binding our hearts and souls as one. I vow love, honor, loyalty, and protection to my mates, my protectors, from now until eternity.”

She repeated the words and drank from the wine.

Eilea handed the goblet to her mates. “Repeat after me. I take the blood of Phoenix, binding our souls to hers. We vow love, honor, loyalty, and protection to our mate from now until eternity.”

They repeated after their mother. Eilea instructed the five of them to clasp hands, and she bound them together with a silk cord, the final part of the ceremony where Phoenix kissed each one of them. By the time she was finished kissing her last mate, her head was spinning.

When Eilea untied the cord and pronounced them her husbands, the crowd cheered and several of the flowering trees exploded with even more flower petals.

Phoenix laughed when petals rained down on their heads. “So much for a simple wedding.”

“You didn’t expect our aunt to understand the concept of simple, did you?” Drakkon asked, laughter ringing in his words, and then he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately.

The rest of the crowd faded away as she melted in his arms. By the time he released her, she was straining for breath, and her insides had turned to mush. She clung to his shoulders, lost in his gaze.

Don’t worry,he said, crimson sparks flashing in his eyes.I’ll pull your hair later.

* * *

“HOW CAN YOU EXPECTto have a proper wedding without an orgy?”

Phoenix refrained from rolling her eyes at her grandmother, though it was hard not to. Very, very hard. Her grandmother’s ruby-red lips pinched while she waved a lace fan over her face as if this mild spring climate was somehow scorching. Though her beautiful grandmother looked not a day over thirty, had a vault full of gold, and had a long line of lovers, she still found things to complain about.

“You know we never cared to do things properly, Abera,” she answered instead, referring to her by her given name, since Abera had said ‘grandma’ made her seem old. An odd request, considering she was thousands of years old.

Abera clucked her tongue. “Such a shame to waste all this décor on just a wedding.”

Just a wedding,Helius’s growl reverberated in her skull.

She slanted a smile at her groom.Ignore her. She’s just being Abera.

Abera flicked a flower petal off her shoulder with a sneer.

I need another drink,Helius grumbled, whistling to one of the many winged servants flying overhead.

Her other mates were making their rounds with the guests, thanking them for attending the wedding of the millennium. Demons of all shapes and sizes, some with horns and tails, other with scales, and some with wings and feathers, crowded around the food and drink. More interesting than so many species of demon was their attire, ranging from Ancient Grecian to Roaring Twenties.

Her grandmother went with a 17thCentury Baroque dress that oozed her breasts out the top like twin water balloons ready to pop. She even wore a towering powdered wig and what was either a tick or a fake mole above her lip.

“Everyone should be thoroughly drunk and ready to fuck after the wedding toast. I bought new silk panties for this.”

Phoenix couldn’t help but laugh at her grandmother. “We’re so sorry to disappoint you.”

“It’s not about me.” She batted long lashes while fanning her face with her lace fan, as if the mild spring temperature was sweltering. “Think of all your guests.”

“We are,” she grumbled, “which is why we’re not having an orgy.”

Her grandmother let out a huff, fanning her face harder. “Some days I wonder how we can be related.”

“So do I, Abera.” She laughed under her breath. “So do I.”

Abera splayed a hand across her forehead in a dramatic gesture. “And everyone is fully clothed!”

Helius leered at her. “We have a dress code.”
