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“Zombie wolves.” She eyed him coolly. “Were you one of them?”

“I was, but I’m healed.” He didn’t mention Bennu had been the one to heal him as he stood protectively in front of his mate. He wasn’t sure yet if this demon cat was friend or foe, and he wasn’t willing to give her too much information.

She jutted a foot toward him, flashing her fangs. “Do you remember me?”

“No.” He held his ground with a deep snarl. “Should I?”

She dragged her front paw across the slate wall, the sound like steel on steel. “You and your brothers attacked my den and captured my mates.”

He tensed at that, worried this demon had come to enact her vengeance. “I don’t remember my time as a zombie.”

“I do.” She leered from beneath thick lashes. “I remember every soul you lechers captured. I know everything about you—your strengths, your weaknesses.”

“What are our weaknesses?” He spoke through gritted teeth. Had she come to torment or help him?

“Time,” she said, looking at him as if she was seeing through his soul. “If you go too long between meals, your bones become brittle, your gait slows, and your brains turn to porridge.”

“And our strengths?” he demanded. For he wouldn’t be able to defeat the lechers if he didn’t know anything about them.

“Fresh blood. It makes you supernaturally strong and fast.” She visibly shuddered, her fur shimmying like ruffled feathers. “Once your brothers find fresh blood, they will be back for you, and you won’t be able to stop them from shredding you and your mate to pieces.”

His blood solidified at the thought of having to fight his zombie brothers, and possibly even Bennu if he couldn’t figure out how to cure her. He’d rather let them shred him to bits and knock him down a dimension than hurt them.

As if sensing his turmoil, Bennu let out a moan before rolling onto her side. He cast a glance at her, careful not to let his guard down around the demon cat.

He swallowed back his fear. “Then what do you suggest we do?”

The demon held out a glistening prism that deflected luminous rays of light even in the darkness. He instantly recognized it, for he and his brothers had used such a prism to hunt down and capture their family’s enemies.

“She dropped this in the desert.” She nodded toward Bennu’s supine body. “I was going to use it to escape this dimension.”

He snatched it from her hands. “And leave your mates behind?” Accusation laced his words.

She hissed, flashing her fangs. “To go search for them. They are probably in a lower dimension by now. You lechers drained their blood, most likely after Gorgo tortured them first.”

“I’m sorry.” He felt a momentary stab of guilt until he remembered this demon had taken his mate’s crystal. “Why are you returning it?” Was it because she couldn’t get it to work? He watched her body language for any signs of deceit.

She shrugged. “I don’t know the spell to activate it.”

Of course. He gripped the crystal until his palm ached. “So you need us to tell you.” He glanced down at Bennu again, dismayed when he saw patches of fur had sprouted along her arms. Was she shifting into a wolf, or a zombie wolf?

The demon let out a soft purr while clasping her paws. “We’ll all be able to escape this dimension.”

As if he’d turn tail and run like a coward when his brothers needed him. “I’m not leaving my brothers.”

“Do you not smell her virgin blood?” the demon taunted, twin flames lit in her eyes.

Suddenly it hit him, the blood he smelled from his mate, so unusual, a scent he remembered from long ago when they’d first mated. “I do. I didn’t recognize what it was.”

“Gorgo will.” The demon licked her lips as if she was preparing to feast. “Virgins are such a rarity in hell. He will savor her for months and months before discarding her.” She eagerly rubbed her paws together. “He’ll find her easily, too. He’s a powerful seer.”

Cadmus tensed at the gleam in the she-cat’s eyes. “We have to get her out of here.”

The demon nodded. “Agreed.”

“Do you know how to heal her?” Though he didn’t trust the demon cat, he had no other choice. He didn’t want to transport his mate while she was in the middle of transforming into a zombie.
