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Their mother pounded her palm with a fist. “We must strike her before she strikes us.” There was an odd screeching sound to her voice, like the call of a dying gargoyle.

He shot Lucian a worried look.This is definitely not our mother speaking.

Lucian grimaced.I know.

Horatiu thought more and more about ripping off that crown. He took a hesitant step toward her. She jerked back as if his hands were made of fire. She was definitely being controlled by a darker power. Their mother wouldn’t have shied away from him.

“Mother, take a moment and think about this,” he pleaded.

“There’s no time to think!” she shrieked, her voice even more shrill, so much like the screaming gargoyles that had visited them yesterday. “Do you want your mate and me to be obliterated?”

“Of course not.” Lucian elbowed him in the ribs, his smile appearing frozen in place. “What do you want us to do?”

A hint of a smile tugged at her lips as her eyes shone with malice. Oh, yes, their mother was possessed. She rubbed her hands together like a starving woman sitting down to a feast. “Elria must be obliterated before she destroys us.”

“This is our aunt,” Horatiu reminded her. “Your sister.” He prayed that his mother’s spirit was somewhere still inside her body and would listen to reason.

“You’re not taking this threat seriously.” Snarling, she waved him away. “Send for Dragomir!”

No way in ten hells was he involving any of his other brothers in this.

Sharp claws extended from his fingers, curling into his tightened fists. “Iamtaking it seriously.”

“How about we lock her in a curse chamber?” Lucian suggested. “She can’t hurt us there. She deserves a fair trial before you obliterate her.”

Horatiu flexed his claws while eyeing that crown. He could slash through the braids binding it to her head before she had time to strike him. Hopefully. Because he wasn’t too sure his mother wouldn’t try to obliterate him, too.

“Very well,” she said through a sigh, her shoulders falling, “but do it now. Time is of the essence.”

He released a shaky breath, relieved that they had at least bought their aunt some time until they could come up with a plan. “Of course.”

He nudged his brother toward the door.Let’s go, before she changes her mind.

Lucian had other ideas, because he refused to move as he plastered on a wide grin. “That’s a beautiful crown the gargoyles gave you,” he said to his mother while holding out a hand. “May I see it?”

Her eyes flashed red as smoking magic dripped off her fingers. “Did you hear me? There’s no time!” She jutted a blackened finger toward the door, a whisp of dark magic curling from it. “Go!”

Horatiu’s eyes widened. His mother’s magic had never been so dark. “Yes, Mother.” Horatiu grabbed Lucian’s elbow and jerked him toward the door.Leave it alone before she obliterates you!

Once they closed the heavy chamber door behind them, Horatiu stared down the long, dark hallway as an unusually chill draft blew back his hair.

What do we do?his brother asked, the sharp tang of fear pulsing off him in waves.

Pushing off from the door, he briskly marched down the hall. Many of the wall sconces had been extinguished, making the hall even darker. It was as if the light itself feared the darkness that crept in like a poisonous fog.

We lock up our aunt for her own safety,he answered.Then we find a way to get that crown off our mother.

His brother kept pace by his side.Do you think it’s enchanted?

He repressed a shudder as a tingling fear crept up his spine.I know it is. Our aunt would never betray our mother.

Which put Horatiu in an impossible position. In order to save his aunt, he’d have to betray her. And in order to stop his mother, he would have to defy her—and whatever demon was lurking underneath her skin. He was about to go up against the two most powerful sorceresses in all of hell. What could possibly go wrong?

* * *

HORATIU AND LUCIANfound their other brothers and mate at the Temple of Flame, a massive monolithic pyramid dedicated to teaching magic to witches of all levels. Their mate, Daeva, practiced her spells at the temple daily along with her sister, Bennu, who was also mated to Horatiu’s cousins. Fortunately for Horatiu, Bennu and three of her mates had already returned to their quarters at the palace for the evening. Only the gamma, Damon, had stayed behind to attend to his mother. Horatiu and his brothers could handle Damon.

We’ll deal with him soon,Horatiu said to Lucian.
