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Chapter Eight

Gorgo paced the gravellydungeon floor of his underground cavern. Winged bug creatures with bulging eyes whimpered and retreated to the corners of their cells when he passed by their rusty iron bars. He scowled at the smell of urine coming from their cells. After feasting on their innocence for over a year, their blood was less fragrant, their terrified screams less enticing. Their innocence lost, they were just a means to sate an itch, and he loathed them for it.

The girl, however, oh what a delight she would be to devour, and not just her virgin blood, but her pure heart, her sweet soul, and her powerful magic that kept him from scrying her in his flames. She’d risked everything to save her mates, for their souls sang to hers. How fun it would be to crush her heart. He frowned down at the crotch of his coarse brown robe, where that shriveled-up appendage curled against his thigh like a dried turd. Perhaps the sweet taste of her blood would awaken his desire, and his cock would work again. If only. Then he could claim her virginity as his prize and feel the fire in his veins once more. He licked his thin lips at the thought.

But first, his foolish lechers would have to follow his simple commands. Fury seeped from his pores in the form of greasy, gray oil, for he’d only seen two lechers in his flames, the alphas, wandering the desert in mindless circles. Where had the gamma and beta gone? The gamma had been his fastest lecher. Despite his decaying cavities, the beta still had a decent sense of smell. Without them, the other two beasts were useless. He paused his pacing when he heard familiar groans, their horrid stench wafting into the drafty cavern well ahead of them. The two alpha lechers emerged from the shadows, dragging their feet as if they were made of bricks, their faces distorted, their arms hanging like limp fish, as their pungent smell of decay hit him like an anvil to the skull.

He clenched his brittle teeth, furious with his lechers for disappointing him, for not only was there no girl in their possession, but the gamma brother was indeed missing. Blinking his one center eye, he impatiently tapped his foot. “Well, where are they?”

The lechers stopped as if they’d struck a brick wall. The one who had once been called Helius, with one milky eye and one scabbed cavity where the other eye should’ve been, gave him that stupid, blank look. “No find.”

Obviously not. “Where’s your brother?” he snapped, on his last thread of patience.

Helius shrugged. “No see.”

He reared back and slapped the wolf, the sound of his brittle teeth cracking. “How could you let him slip away?”

The beast stumbled back, and his other brother that had once been called Drakkon, the one with the missing ears, clumsily stepped in front of him. “Eat.”

“You will eat when you complete your task!” he screeched like a winged predator diving for prey, raising his hand to strike the lecher.

His hand stopped mid-air when Drakkon snarled at him, venom dripping from his fangs. What was happening to his slaves? First Morana betrayed him, and now his lechers? He feared the virgin witch had something to do with it. The sooner he had her in his clutches, the better, for he would blot out any power she held over them.

“Don’t you snarl at me!” He backed up, striking him with a bolt of magic so scorching, it burned his flesh as flames raced from the tips of his fingers.

The lecher lurched back with a grunt, rubbing the burn mark below his protruding ribcage, a black hole marring his skin as if a giant had extinguished a pipe on his body. The lecher surprisingly didn’t fall.

A shiver raced down Gorgo’s spine. Never had one of his lechers ever defied him. “You dare!” he cried, hitting the beast with another bolt.

Again, the lecher stumbled back but didn’t fall. For the first time since casting them under his spell, Gorgo was afraid of his mindless slaves.

“Eat,” Drakkon repeated.

Gorgo rubbed his throbbing hand down the side of his robe, charred flakes of skin falling to the ground. “You will be fed when you bring back the girl.”

Drakkon rubbed his blackened gut. “Mate.”

“M-mate?” Gorgo stammered. “No, not your mate.” How did he know? Gorgo had erased his memories.

“Mate,” the creature repeated.

Gorgo shook a fist at the beast. “You don’t have a mate! You’re just a mindless zombie.”
