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They traversed dune after dune, each one looking identical to the last, but somehow Cadmus sensed this was the way to Gorgo’s lair. He remembered the oracle had enchanted it so that others couldn’t find the way, but he’d implanted a memory spell (that thankfully hadn’t been erased after Phoenix had healed him) in Cadmus’s mind that would lead him to the secret entrance.

Once they neared what appeared to be just another dune, the face of the hill evaporated like a mirage, revealing a cavern built into the heart of the desert. They laid low behind another dune, watching the entrance. He would’ve made a run for it, but then he saw shadows dragging their feet to the mouth of Gorgo’s cavern. His brothers!

He shifted into his demon form, falling to his knees with a howl when the spiders disappeared inside the cavern with their mate, leaving the lechers outside to guard the entrance. He wouldn’t be able to take on his brothers and Gorgo with just wind magic. And now that his mate was gone, Gorgo would be able to scry Cadmus and Damon in his flames. It was only a matter of time before they were caught, too, and were, once again, sucked into a nightmare.

What do we do?Damon cried.

He was too despondent to answer. What could they do? They were outnumbered and outmatched. All hope was lost. Lost.

He jerked back when a massive shadow passed over them and a dragon’s roar rent the air. Squinting up at the hazy sky, he could barely make out crimson scales, massive, batlike wings, and a long, barbed tail soaring past them at breakneck speed. A dragon? No dragons had existed in this dimension in centuries. But that roar sounded so familiar. Could it be? Had Tan’yi’nug come to save them? If so, did he carry their mother? If any witch could defeat Gorgo, it was her.

He stumbled to his feet and shifted when the dragon swooped past again, diving lower before disappearing over the dunes behind them. He had to catch that dragon. It was their only hope!

* * *

GORGO RUBBED HIS SOREhands together, scabs chafing scabs as his demonlings brought in his prize. The girl had been transformed into a giant spider but changing her back to a beautiful young witch was easy enough. He ushered them into his magic chamber.

“Set her by the flames!” he squealed, pointing to the raised stone fire well.

They set her down and fanned out around him, giving him a wide berth as he inspected the demon spider, its legs curled in on itself.

He licked his thin lips as he approached her. Nostrils flaring, he took in her scent, disappointed when he was hit with the rancid smell of decay and blood.

Did we do good, Master?the demonlings asked, their voices pinging off the dark cavern walls.

“You did excellent,” he said, not bothering to look at them as he finished inspecting his prize. She made a magnificent spider. Such a shame he would have to change her, but she was an even more alluring witch. “Where did you find her?” He’d seen them carrying her across the desert in his scrying flames, but he hadn’t seen them capture her.

We found her in the dunes with two wolves,they hissed.

He froze at that. His lost lechers had found her? Had their mate healed them? He was almost afraid to ask. “Were they still under my spell?” He snarled when they didn’t answer, their red eyes blinking. “Did they reek of rot?”

They smelled like demon wolves,they answered.And they howled when we took her. They tried to follow.

He sucked in a hiss. “Tried to?” he snapped. “Did they follow?”

Nooo. We were too fast.

“Good, good.” He rubbed his hands together. Hopefully, the spell he’d placed on their minds to lead them to his cavern had also been erased when the witch healed them. He would build a barrier to prevent them from entering, and he would eradicate them if they dared try to breach it.

We have also brought you an emunius.

“An emunius?” His one-eyed gaze snapped to his demonlings as they bounced on their legs, their red, glowing eyes focused on a long gray claw that they rolled toward him across their backs.

Even before he bent to retrieve it, he could feel the magic pulsing off it. Indeed, it was an emunius, a rare tool meant to enhance magical powers, much like the well of flames, though Gorgo could carry this one with him. Excitement flooded his veins and warmed his bones, for with such a tool, he might be able to finally leave his cave. That slash on his face curved up in a smile. “Well done, my pets.”

It shall help you battle the sorceress and her dragon.

“Sorceress? Dragon?” He narrowed his eye. “What do you speak of?”

Their little legs clacked on the floor as their eyes widened.They have come to claim their kin, and they’ve brought help.

Gorgo spun around, his eye focused on the fire, scowling at the flames that had deceived him. “I didn’t see them in my flames.”

The sorceress is very powerful. She conceals them all.

“She has celaris magic?” He rubbed his sagging chin with long talons. “Who does she want?” But he already suspected she’d come for the pretty witch, perhaps even the wolves.

We do not know, Master.Their hissing voices sounded more like taunts.Use your flames.
