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Luc held his sleepingmate in his arms, wishing he never had to let her go. He still couldn’t believe she’d bloomed after speaking to him through a computer screen. He’d never heard of a female wolf blooming unless her intended mate was present. Amara had always been a special wolf. He didn’t know if her reaction to him had been the exception, but he had a feeling the tribal elders would forbid betas from speaking to their mates long distance if it was close to their breeding cycle.

Moaning, she snuggled closer against his chest. He cringed when a wolf howled outside. He recognized the urgency behind the call. Their targets were on the move. He had to go.

“Amara,” he whispered, kissing the side of her head.

“Mm,” she moaned, draping a leg over his waist.

His cock stirred as she rubbed against him. He pressed a hand to her chest, the beating of her heart reminding him of the ticking of a clock, emphasizing they were out of time.

“Amara,” he said again, gently shaking her.

Her eyes opened, glossy with fatigue. Her lips were still swollen from their kisses, and her cheeks were flushed from their lovemaking, but most striking was the youthful glow of her skin that shone all the way to her blonde roots. She was a beauty. He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was to call her his mate. When her lips parted, and she slowly smiled, he wanted nothing more than to stay in the tent with her for the rest of the day.

His gut twisted when she reached for him, caressing his cheek.What are you thinking?she asked through thought.

Just committing your face to memory.He pulled her hand to his lips, brushing a kiss across her knuckles.I have to go.He cringed when another howl rent the air.

She sat up, her beautiful full breasts bouncing with the movement. “That howl sounded urgent,” she said aloud.

Luc grimaced as he threw the blankets off his legs. “It was.”

Her brow furrowed, and he could read the fear in her eyes. “What’s going on?”

He swallowed at that. “I can’t say.” Not at least until this assignment was over, and maybe not even then. The reason the trackers had been training in the tundra so long was because they were actually tracking Russian spies. How much they knew about the Amaroki, they still weren’t sure, but he was determined to find out.

She hugged her knees to her chest. “Will you be in danger?”

“Amara, look at me.” He grasped her shoulders, searching her gaze. “This is what I do. I track bad guys. I’ll be fine.” He kissed her with passionate urgency, so very tempted to make love to her once more. When another howl sounded outside, he reluctantly broke the kiss and jumped to his feet, hating himself when she gaped up at him like he’d just drowned a puppy.

“Luc,” she breathed, her whisper punctured with emotion.

He held out his hands. “I’m sorry, Amara.” He had no time to explain. He grabbed a canteen and took a long drink of water. He snatched some jerky out of his bag and scarfed it down, washing it back with more water. No telling when he’d be able to eat again. He didn’t bother changing into his military uniform. Luc would remain as a wolf for this assignment.

Drasko came into the tent, looking expectantly at Luc. “There’s a lot of howling outside.”

“Yeah,” Luc said, frustration pounding a drum in his skull as he finished off the last of his jerky. “I have to go.”

Drasko nodded as he looked at Amara. “Can you shift?”

She looked like a lost child as she wrapped her arms around herself and shook her head. He knew his military career wasn’t easy on her, but this was his duty, and he was damn good at it. Fighting for his country meant keeping his family safe.

Drasko howled with joy and patted him on the back.Good work, brother.

Luc shrugged off the compliment. As if he’d need to be praised for making love to their mate.

“You leaving so soon, brother?” Drasko asked out loud.

“I don’t have a choice,” Luc said, tension wrapping a coil around his spine, knowing every second he delayed could compromise their mission.

“Things are pretty tense out there,” Drasko said as he helped himself to Luc’s jerky crumbs. “What’s going on?”

“Just another day in the life of Army trackers.” Luc groaned. “I’ll explain when I return.” As best he could, anyway. He clutched Drasko’s shoulder, that tension around his spine threatening to crush his skull. “Get our pregnant mate home safely. Protect her with your life.”

Drasko flashed a wolfish grin. “You know I will.”
