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After trekking acrossthe frozen tundra in the middle of a snowstorm, there were no words to express Drasko’s knee-wobbling relief when he found the little hunting lodge at the edge of a small forest that bordered the tundra.

We’re saved, Amara,he projected to her through thought, alarmed when she didn’t answer.

Holding her against his chest, he heaved open the door and then shifted into a naked human in order to fit through the cabin. He set her down on a narrow bed and dusted snow and ice off her clothes. Her lips were blue, her face drained of all other color. Panicked, he dug through the emergency backpack and turned on a small lantern. His wolf-touched eyes easily adjusted to the dim light. The cabin looked like it had been recently used, with new firewood, a wood stove, and fresh linens on the bed.

He sent a silent thanks to the Ancients and got to work. After lighting the stove, he peeled away Amara’s clothes which had been plastered to her body. He tucked her in the bed’s woolen blankets and laid her clothes out near the stove. Then he took stock of their supplies. They had enough food for a few days, but not a lot of water. Fortunately, he’d spotted a stream on the way to the cabin.

After taking inventory of the rest of the cabin’s supplies—just a few pots, blankets, and an axe—he climbed in the bed with Amara, skin-to-skin, rubbing warmth into her while checking her for any injuries. Just a small gash on her head and a bruise on her shoulder. The wind howled louder outside. He’d found this cabin just in time. Hopefully, the men that had been pursuing them would freeze to death. If not, he’d gladly crush their skulls. It was only after he heaved a tired breath that he registered the throbbing in his skull. He rubbed the back of his head, alarmed when he came away with blood on his fingers. He must’ve bumped his head in the accident.


He looked into his mate’s foggy eyes when her thought projected into his head.Yes, my love,he answered back through thought, relieved to see she was awake and lucid.

She blinked at him.You’re hurt.

He forced a smile.It’s nothing.

She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her fingers against the base of his skull, his skin tingling when her healing magic poured through him.

He frowned at her bloody fingers when she pulled back. “Thank you,” he whispered. His head already felt much better, his brain fog cleared.

She yawned, stretching toward the ceiling, her beautiful nipples poking from beneath the blankets.I’m thirsty.

He leaned over the bed and handed her a canteen from the backpack.Here.He held it to her lips and let her take several gulps. Mindful they would need to conserve water until the storm ended, he only took a few sips for himself. He pulled two MREs out of the bag and they wordlessly ate the bland but nourishing food. There were only four MREs left, which meant they’d need to conserve those, too. He didn’t have the heart to tell Amara to ration when she took several gulps of water. She was drinking for two, after all. He would fetch more from the nearby stream when the storm cleared. Hopefully, it hadn’t frozen over by then.

Better?he asked as he took the empty box from her.

She leaned back in the bed with a sigh.Much.

Relief swept through him as a splash of color returned to her cheeks. He continued rubbing her arms.You warm yet?

Mm.Her eyelids fell heavy.Tired.

Sleep, my love.His lips lingered on her forehead as he squeezed her shoulders.You’re safe now.

Of course, I am.Her voice echoed through his skull.I have you.

Her faith in him shook him to the core. He’d kept her alive so far, but those Russians were still out there. He would give his last dying breath to keep her safe, but what if he failed her?
