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Drasko dragged a hand down his face, giving her a look that made a shiver steal up her spine. “We call Luc.”

She gave him a suspicious look, knowing he was planning something wicked. “How?”

He gave her an expectant look, waggling his fingers. “Give me your panties.”

She swallowed. “My panties?”

He arched a thick brow. “You packed more, didn’t you?”


A wolfish grin split his face in two. “Give me your panties, and I promise Luc will come.”

Oh, this wolf certainly was wicked. She licked her lips, and her pussy swelled and throbbed as he watched her remove her boots and jeans. Again, she thought about straddling him, but she had to wait for Luc. She winced when she removed her underwear and a drenched pantyliner fell to the floor. Her panties were completely soaked as if she’d pissed her pants, but, no, she was just supernaturally horny, and if Luc didn’t take care of her soon, she feared she’d turn into one big puddle of lust.

Moisture pooled between her legs and dripped down her thighs when Drasko pressed her soaked underwear to his face and inhaled like it was his own personal drug.

He flashed a fanged grin. “I could mop the floors with this.”

Scowling, she crossed her arms. “What did you expect?”

He shook his head, his eyes flashing yellow. “My damn boner is never going down.”

Her gaze snapped to that engorged bulge beneath his zipper, and she wanted to fall onto the cot and spread her legs for him. She swayed on her feet as lust threatened to sweep her under its tide. “I’ll make it up to you after Luc and I conceive.”

His bottom lip hung down in a pout. “You’ll be too tired.”

“I’ll let you do all the work,” she said while batting her eyelashes.

He motioned toward his boner. “I’ll go take care of this behind a tree.”

She laughed. “Knowing you, it will grow right back.”

He shrugged then inhaled her panties once more before heading for the tent flap. “I’ll be back.”

She thought about digging in her backpack for another pair of underwear, but pulled the blanket off Luc’s cot and wrapped it around her waist instead. No use soaking more panties. Besides, she’d foolishly only packed one spare pair of clothes. Edging closer to the heater, she sat on the cot, worrying her lower lip and praying Luc would find her soon.

Drasko returned after a few minutes, rubbing his hands together for warmth.

“What did you do with my panties?” she asked.

“Hung them from the flagpole.”

Heat flooded her face. “Oh, Drasko.” Now every shifter in camp would scent those and know she was a bitch in heat.

He shrugged an apology. “Desperate times, Amara.”

She tensed, clutching her throat when a familiar howl cut through the air. She jumped to her feet. Luc!

Drasko gave her a knowing look. “It worked.”

A few moments later, a big gray and brown wolf came barreling into the tent, shifting into her handsome tracker when he reached her side. His eyes were still feral as he clutched her shoulders. He still had that cut under his eye, and his face looked gaunt. She had to feed and heal him—after they made a baby.

“What’s happening?” He looked wildly from her to Drasko. “What are you doing here?”

All moisture evaporated from Amara’s throat as a wave of lust washed over her, threatening to sweep her under while holding her immobilized. He was here. And he was naked. Very naked. His engorged erection jutting between them like an open invitation for her to knock him to the ground and ride him like a fucking bronco. He smelled like sweat and earth and something so feral, so carnal, she knew he wanted her as badly as she wanted him.

Drasko nodded toward her. “She bloomed after your call.”
