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To Rone’s relief and delight, Alexi went to Cyan. Mihaela draped a blanket over Cyan’s shoulders, and Alexi immediately took her breast, loudly slurping and making noises of satisfaction.

Cyan winced and adjusted Alexi in her arms. “How long has this been going on?” she asked him.

Rone shrugged. “His entire eleven months of life.”

Cyan shared a look with her mate as he sat beside her, and Rone’s cheeks flushed with indignation. They were probably mentally telling each other what indulgent parents Rone and Amara were. They had no idea what it was like living with an earthshaker baby.

After Alexi was full, Cyan handed the baby off to Mihaela. Rone gave Cyan and Erik a big bottle of rum Luc had picked up at the Army post, and they promised to come back tomorrow. He wished he could ask Cyan to stay with them for the next two days, but he knew he was asking too much. He would have to keep Alexi full with plenty of soft foods.

“I hate relying on other moms to feed Alexi,” he said to Mihaela after he shut the door behind the Cloudclimbers.

“Then what do you propose we do?” his mother asked while smiling down at the sleepy baby in her arms. He looked so sweet and peaceful, a direct contrast to his earlier behavior.

“Force him to take the bottle,” he said.

She shook her head. “And let him tear down the house?”

“Amara’s been wanting to wean him,” he said. If there was ever a time, now was it.

She laid the baby in his playpen, and he quickly went to sleep while sucking his thumb. “How do you intend on weaning him?”

He folded his arms, his gaze sweeping the room as he thought of all the work that would need to be done. “With a whole lot of patience and a very big drill.”

Chapter Three


Amara rolled onto herside with a yawn, looking into her brave tracker’s dark, sleepy eyes, remembering how just last night they were golden, feral slits. After two days and two nights of intense fucking, she felt an extreme sense of relief that she’d found him in time, even though she knew she wouldn’t be able to sit without wincing for at least a week.

He sat up on his elbow, twirling a lock of her golden hair around his finger. He no longer had that cut or dark circles beneath his eyes after she’d healed him during their lovemaking. “Can you shift?”

She knew why he was asking. Female Amaroki couldn’t shift when pregnant. She shook her head. “You know I can’t.”

Luc threw back his head and let out a joyous howl. “Thank the Ancients.” His smile quickly turned a frown. “I’m sorry I put you through this.”

“It’s not your fault.” Besides, she’d finally gotten a glimpse into Luc’s other life. She looked at the canvas above as the whistling wind battered the walls. They were on the floor between two heaters with mountains of blankets beneath them. She had no idea how he was able to sleep on that hard cot and had a feeling he preferred to be in wolf form while he was at camp. She sat up, hugging a blanket, wincing when milk soaked the fabric. Luc had done a good job draining her during sex, but her breasts were already full, and she was hungry. Very hungry. Her stomach felt like a hollow drum. She winced when her stomach loudly growled.
