Page 109 of Rage of Her Ravens

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“Uncle Nikkos!”

They climbed on top of him, kneeing him in the groin and stomach.

Nikkos let out a grunt and fell back.

“How come you’re in this room?” Aurora asked.

“It’s because the other room smells like troll doo doo,” Ember answered for her.

“Girls!” I scolded, pulling them off him and then snatching the covers before they fell and revealed my breasts.

The girls sat back on their heels, giving us curious looks.

“We’re so happy you’re not dead,” Aurora finally said.

Nikkos ruffled her hair. “So am I, sprite.”

Draevyn knocked on the door, peeking his head inside. I forced myself to look away from his penetrating gaze, but not before I caught the look of longing in his eyes. I refused to feel guilty for not allowing him in our bed. Despite all he’d done for us at Abyssus, I couldn’t forget the way he’d treated us before. He couldn’t fault me for not wanting him now.

Blaze tensed beside me. “What is it, brother?”

“News from Romulus,” Draevyn said as he pushed open the door.

Fear constricted my throat. “Have the giants returned?”

Draevyn gave me a look of adoration that bordered on worship. “Not after you used your powerful magic on them.”

Wrapping my arms around myself, I felt compelled to look away. Why did he always make me feel so awkward?

“I don’t wish to discuss it here, though.” He motioned toward the girls. “Meet me in the study in a half hour.”

Mrs. Euphemia clomped into the room, holding out her hands to the girls. “Masters Inferni, I’m so sorry,” she said, her cheeks flushed as she looked hopelessly at the girls. “I turned my back for a moment, and they slipped out of the nursery.”

Ember crossed her arms with a pout. “Uncle Blaze said he’d play hide-and-seek with us.”

I shot Blaze a side-eyed look. “When did you promise them that?”

He flashed a knowing grin as if I was a toddler caught with my hand in the cookie jar. “You were”—he coughed into his hand, slanting a wicked grin—“preoccupied with Nikkos.”

Heat flamed my face and chest at the way Blaze looked at me as if he was mentally undressing me.

He stretched his arms to the ceiling and flexed his wings. “Of course, girls, but later, okay?”

When they both whined, I silenced them with a look. “Not now, girls. Give your uncle time to wake and to do his chores.”

Their shoulders sagged in defeat as they hung their heads. How I hated disappointing them.

“Don’t pout, sprites,” Nikkos said, flashing his dreamy, dimpled grin. “If you’re good, maybe we’ll all play with you after lunch.”

They both squealed their delight and flung themselves at Nikkos once more. Mrs. Euphemia grunted, trying to extricate them off him.

“Remember, he said only if you’re good,” I reminded them.

They released him as if he was a hot potato and happily skipped away with Mrs. Euphemia.

“I’ll give you some privacy,” Draevyn mumbled.

He turned as if to go, but then our eyes locked for one uncomfortable heartbeat, that invisible tether between us making me want to jump from the bed and run into his arms. I couldn’t hold his stare for long, though my cheeks burned hotter as I felt his lingering gaze on me. When would this thing between us no longer be awkward, or would it always be this way? Unless I accepted him as my mate and bonded with him.
