Page 116 of Rage of Her Ravens

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“Yeah.” I shrugged, managing to hold her gaze. “But that’s not the only reason.” I slowly approached her, knowing I was treading too close to her flame.

She arched back, her eyes narrowing. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“He said he apologized, and you said you don’t trust him.”

Blaze gave me a warning look, and I could tell he wanted me to shut my mouth, but I was too far gone now.

She arched a brow. “And?”

“Shiri, we’re in way over our heads.” Throwing up my hands, I heaved a weary sigh. How did I explain we’d be stronger if we all worked together? “We need Drae to help us protect you and the girls.”

She climbed out of Blaze’s lap and faced me with a glare. “He already said he would.”

I gave Blaze a pleading look, hoping he’d help, but the coward averted his gaze. “It would be easier if you two were bonded.”

She made a spluttering sound, and I knew I’d pushed her too far. “So you want me to have sex with the mage who threatened to drop me, who abandoned us when we needed him most, just to make your life easier?”

I felt like a wilting flower under the scrutiny of her glare. “I know he regrets the way he treated you.”

“As he should.” She crossed her arms, rage flashing in her eyes. “That doesn’t mean I’m going to accept him as my mate.”

My innards quaked. I didn’t know why I pressed on when I should’ve accepted defeat. “Then what else can he do to earn your trust and forgiveness?”

She turned up her chin, defiance flashing in her eyes. “I’m not sure there’s anything hecando.”

I stepped toward her, my voice breaking on a plea. “Shiri.”

“Don’t.” Disgust flashing in her eyes, she sidestepped me as if I had the plague. “I think I want to be alone for a while.”

I reached for her, inwardly cursing when she slipped out of my grasp like a water wraith. “Shiri, please don’t pull away.”

“Then don’t drive me away,” she called back while refusing to face me.

I followed at her heels like a puppy begging for pets. “I’m sorry I brought up Drae.” My voice cracked and broke, and for a minute I was that timid little boy growing up in a huge castle without any parents. The servants had been kind, but not a replacement for the picture of the handsome, regal couple hanging in the front hall. So many nights I would wrap my wings around myself, pretending they were my mother’s arms. “I won’t mention him again.” I chased her to the bathing room as she slammed the door in my face. “Please, Shiri.” I rested my palm on the door, my voice cracking. “I’m sorry.”

“Well, fuck.”

I spun around, glaring at Blaze, who leaned against the doorway leading toward the balcony, one ankle casually crossed over the other. I was aggravated with him for remaining quiet during the entire argument. Had he helped me, maybe she would’ve listened.

“Well, fuck?” I snapped. “That’s all you have to say? You know I’m right. You should’ve at least said something to her.”

“So she can shut out both of us?” Shaking his head, he pushed off from the doorway. “One of us has to keep communication open with her.”

He had a point, but it didn’t ease my frustration. “Do you agree it will be harder to keep her safe without Drae?”

He gave me a pointed look. “Everything will be harder without Drae.”

Exasperated, I threw up my hands. “Then what do we do?”

“As much as it pains me to say it,” he answered, “we do nothing. She and Drae have to figure this out on their own.”

I gaped at him. Was he serious? “What if they don’t?”

He casually shrugged, though I sensed an undercurrent of fear in his voice. “Then we do our best to support our mate.”

So that was his plan? Do nothing? “What if our best isn’t good enough?”

His wings fell, and for a moment, I thought I saw a flash of despair in his eyes. “It will have to be.”
