Page 136 of Rage of Her Ravens

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“Thank you,” I said, “but I have no need for jewelry.”

“Why not?” Drae asked as he knelt beside me, his eyes lighting with fire. “You deserve to dress like the princess you are.”

I bit my lip, heat flushing my face as I was tempted to kiss him.

“Auntie,” Ember interrupted, tugging on my sleeve. “My new friend told me to tell you to look behind the dragon tapestry in the attic.”

A chill swept up my spine. “When did she tell you this?”

She went back to playing with her doll’s hair. “When we were playing in the nursery.”

Shadows fell across Drae’s features as he stood, holding a hand down to me. “Let’s go.”

I swallowed, taking his hand, though he had other ideas. He handed Ember over to Nikkos and swept me into his arms. The girls giggled as Nikkos and Blaze carried them into the atrium and we flew to the top of the domed glass and then disappeared into a little door beneath one of the massive rafters. We ended up in a dark, narrow hall. Drae set me down and pushed open a low door. We emerged in a dark, dusty room filled will all kinds of chests and paintings. We worked our way toward the back of the room, to a beautiful tapestry of two sleeping dragons hanging in the back. Drae lifted the tapestry off its hook, revealing a hole in the wall. He dug into the hole, pulling out a dusty book.

Scowling, he walked away from us, shaking out the book before reading the imprint on the leather. “The History of the Monarchy by Flora Avias.”

I gasped. My mother wrote it?

Drae looked down at Ember. “Did your friend say why she wanted us to find this?”

Ember pointed to me. “She said it’s for Auntie.”

“Oh.” I took the book from Drae. “Tell your friend ‘thank you.’”

“Okay.” She swung her doll while smiling up at me. “Can we have a sweet?”

“Yeah,” Aurora pleaded. “We’ve been good all morning.”

“Didn’t you just have tarts?” I asked them while clutching the book. The old leather crackled in my grip.

The girls exchanged a look.

“We didn’t finish them,” Aurora answered.

I laughed. “Then let’s go finish.” That would give me time to look through this book, and maybe try to understand why Ember’s ghost friend wanted me to have it.

What about me?Nikkos asked through thought, waggling his brows.I want a tart.

I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh. Somehow, I got the feeling he was talking aboutmytart. My mate was incorrigible.You’ll get that tart after we’re alone.
