Page 143 of Rage of Her Ravens

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“Mind spinner?” She laughed. “Flora’s old friend, Thorin?”

I clutched the girls when they trembled against me. “Yes.”

“He’s a harmless simpleton.” She waved me off as if she was shooing a fly, black ink spilling from her fingertips. “His spells only last a few hours.”

“I-I think they last longer now,” I stammered.

Don’t tell her any more,Drae’s warning reverberated in my mind.

Malvolia took a step toward me, that black smoke following her. “Why would they want him to alter your memories?”

It took all my willpower to hold her gaze. “They don’t trust me.”


“They think I’m evil.”

Her lips twisted into a snarl. “Are you?”


She nodded toward Ember and Aurora. “Are these your children?”

I dug my fingers into their backs as they refused to look up. “They are my nieces,yourgrandnieces,” I spoke through clenched teeth, my magic pressing against my throat, straining to break free. She wouldn’t hurt them. I wouldn’t let her.

Her mouth fell open. “The white witch’s children?”

I had to work hard to unclench my jaw. “They are innocent in all this, and I will killanyonewho tries to harm them.”

The line of fire mages behind her grew restless, grumbling as sparks flew off their hands.

Malvolia held up a silencing hand, and they went still. She looked me over before her lips curled back in a predatory smile. “Which proves you’re not evil.” She frowned, clasping her hands in front of her as her black magic retreated. “I’m sorry your parents betrayed you.”

I swallowed. “So am I.”

“Will you swear loyalty to me and serve in my army?”

Say yes, Shiri,all three of my mates’ voices echoed in my mind.

It felt as if someone else was speaking for me as I pushed out the words. “I will.”

“And will you go to battle with me against your sister?”

The girls gasped.

I gave them a comforting squeeze. “I will disarm my sister, but I won’t hurt her.”

Malvolia went eerily still, her lips slowly parting. “You can disarm a white witch?”

I looked over my shoulder at my mates, who slowly nodded. I turned back toward her, summoning the nerve to say the words that I knew would seal my fate. “I can disarm an entire army.”

Malvolia’s smile was darkness incarnate, black magic leaching from her fingertips and spilling into the air like ink in water.

The girls and I backed up against my mates. For the briefest of seconds, I locked gazes with Drae, and the terror reflecting in his eyes filled my soul with dread. There was no turning back. I was now a soldier in the sorceress queen’s army, where I’d be forced to battle my beloved sister, putting at risk everything I held dear. Holy elements, what had I done?

The End.
