Page 13 of Just Best Friends

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He held up a hand, flagging down a passing server. “Can we get a bottle of champagne? Two glasses. We’re celebrating.”

“I haven’t even told you what it is yet.” A bubbly laugh escaped my mouth.

“Well, I actually have an announcement too, and I want to celebrate with you.”

I wrinkled my forehead, surprised. “What is it?”

Chase grinned, clear blue eyes sparkling. “A promotion.”


I didn’t understand Chase’s job. Not really, anyway. Sure, a pharmaceutical sales rep sounded straightforward, but I didn’t understand his day-to-day. He talked a lot about stubborn doctors, lunch and learns, and invoicing, but the profession didn’t make much sense. What happened if none of the doctor’s patients needed his drug?

Still, I understood the basics: Chase liked his job and wanted to move up. He wanted to move into higher volume territories and eventually get a supervisor position.

“What does that mean? You’re a supervisor or does your territory just get bigger? Do you get to go to all of New England now?”

He shook his head. “No. They don’t divide up territories like that. Besides, Boston is a gigantic market. We’ve got two reps in that city alone.”

I furrowed my brow. “So you’re…what?”

He smiled, white teeth gleaming in the dim light of the club while the smooth jazz played. “I’m moving to New Jersey. I’ll be handling all the accounts there, and if I prove myself, I might get some accounts in New York, too.”

“So, you’re moving?” I frowned. “What about us?”

The server chose that moment to return with the champagne. He uncorked the bottle with a celebratory pop I no longer felt and poured us each a glass.

Chase’s brilliant blue eyes narrowed on mine. “Us?”

I shifted in my seat, a sudden heat wave rolling through my body, up my torso and settling on my face. “Yeah, us.”

Chase ran a finger along the base of the champagne flute before gripping it in his hands. “Sorry, Thea. I didn’t think you were really an ‘us’ type of person.”

Not a girlfriend. A person.

“Why do you say that?” Any attempt at coolness melted as my cheeks burned.

The band on stage picked up, the thrumming of the bass turning my stomach, and I took a sip of water to calm myself.

Chase cast a furtive glance to either side before leaning forward. “I didn’t want to bring it up, but didn’t you specifically turn me down? Twice?”

“Turn you down?”

“Yeah.” He eased back into his seat. “When we first started dating, I asked you if you wanted to get serious.”

“Right.” I vaguely remembered the conversation.

“And you said you weren’t ready.”

“I wasn’t,” I agreed. “At the time.”

“Right,” he said slowly. “So I asked again, last Christmas.”

I vaguely remembered that one. We’d gone on an overnight trip to Boston, taking in a concert and the Christmas lights down Commonwealth Avenue.

“Right,” I drawled out the word, scrambling to reconfigure this conversation from the one in my head to the one that was actually happening. “But now, I’m ready.”

He frowned, marring his face in the process. “You’re ready now that I’m moving?”
