Page 34 of Just Best Friends

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“Times up,” she said, standing up, altering my view from her breasts to her ass. “Back to the sauna.”

“How many more times are we doing this?” I groaned. Despite the discomfort of the cold, the cold bath at least kept my body in check.

Watching Thea sprawl out on the aspen bench, head tilted back onto a towel and her arms spread wide had me itching for the cold bath again.

“If you’d both like to cut the hydrotherapy short, your room is ready.” The employee from earlier materialized with a pair of towels for us to exit the bath.

“Yes, please,” I said, pushing myself out of the pool.

“You’re no fun,” Thea chided, languidly pushing herself up from the pool, as if she wasn’t freezing.

The man led us down a hallway into a sparse white room with two massage tables nestled nearly touching one another.

“So, we’re sharing a room?” I said, knocking my shoulder into Thea’s.

“Well, it is a couple’s massage,” she whispered back.

The woman gave us directions to undress and lie on the table, pulling the sheet over us. I awkwardly worked my way out of my wet bottoms, changing into a pair of boxers before getting under the sheets.

Thea didn’t even try at modesty. Her bikini was off in an instant and her naked body slipped under the sheet on her table..

“This is cozy,” she said, shifting on the table.

Cozy wasn’t the word I would use. Unbearable? Frustrating?

A knock at the door and the two massage therapists filed into the room.

* * *

“You don’t want to stay? Dominate another game?” I asked, attention still on the bar as Thea pulled me away.

“The winner gets a free round of contrast hydrotherapy,” she said, killing any interest I had in playing another couple’s game. “Besides, we already won the best prize. Barb told me the chocolate strawberries were upstairs, and the chef included a special treat for us.”

“More wine?”

“Champagne. We haven’t gone in the hot tub yet and there’s plenty of booze in the room now. Let’s go hang out on the deck.”

I had to admit, the idea of lounging in a hot tub in the depths of winter sounded appealing. And with chocolate strawberries? Absolutely decadent. I relented without much of a fight. Throwing on my half-dried swim trunks, I walked onto the deck to take off the top of the hot tub while Thea gathered all the remaining food and booze in the room.

It took her two trips, long enough for me to figure out the controls on the hot tub. I set the lights to rainbow and basked in the glow of red, purple, yellow, blue, and green.

“Fancy. I love it,” Thea said, teeth chattering.

I manhandled the heavy metal cafe table flush with the hot tub. She set the now open bottle of wine and the tray of strawberries on the table while I grabbed the champagne holder from the room. “Do you think it’s a good idea to have glass in the hot tub?”

“Absolutely not,” I said, picking up a flute and pouring Thea a glass. “But this place doesn’t have any plastic, so it’s that or a coffee mug. I promise to be careful if you promise to be careful.”

“I promise to be careful right now,” she answered, cheeks blushing. “But I don’t know if I can promise that once the Champagne is gone.”

I took the flute back, my fingers brushing hers. “I’m putting this in a coffee mug.”

Her face crumpled. “Fine. I guess that’s safer.”

I left for the mugs as she climbed into the hot tub and returned to find the jets on high and Thea’s head back on the lip of the tub, her body floating underneath the water.

“Why didn’t we do this last night?” she moaned.

Her moan hit me straight in the groin and I climbed in before that became clear.
