Page 37 of Just Best Friends

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He rested his palm on my lower back with a sigh. “Um, not to ruin the mood, but protection. We didn’t…”

I winced. “Yeah, that got a little out of hand. Well, good news, I’m on the pill. And I’m nearly positive you don’t have the clap. You don’t have the clap, right, Benny?”

He kissed the top of my head before wrapping his arms around me. “Nope. Clean bill of health here. Now, not to destroy this calm, but we should probably get out of the shower.”

“Mm,” I nodded absently. “I’m tired.”

* * *

I reluctantly opened my eyes and found myself cocooned in Ben’s arms. That wasn’t necessarily out of the ordinary, but the fact that we were both naked definitely was.

A faint tug of regret pulled at my chest, coupled with a wistfulness I couldn’t place. I couldn’t pretend sleeping with Ben was a mistake. While we’d been drinking, both of us were stone cold sober and the sexual attraction between us had been growing all day.

No, sleeping with Ben had crossed a line, but wasn’t a mistake.

Or at least not the type of mistake where we hadn’t meant to sleep together.

We’d unequivocally meant to sleep together.

But this morning, we had to deal with the fallout of that decision. Because we certainly couldn’t keep sleeping together. Right?

No, definitely not.

Probably not.


I groaned against Ben’s chest. Why did he have to be so good?

With Chase, we’d stumble home after a night of drinks and have quick, though mutually satisfying sex within the hour. No second round. No midnight wake ups. No collapsing in a naked pile with the promise of more.

With Ben there had been more. Lots more. And then, when I thought there couldn’t possibly be more and my body felt like jello, there had been more.

Honestly, Ben should come with a warning label. He’d only ever dated one woman in Franklin Notch and I suspected that had the rest of them known his bedroom skills, he wouldn’t have been single for the past three years.

Not that I wanted him in a relationship.

No. I shook that thought off. Of course I wanted Ben in a relationship. I wanted him coupled and endlessly happy. I wanted him to have cute little babies so I could be their cool aunt.

But after last night, maybe I wanted to be their mom, too?

No. No, no, no. This was Benny. My Benny. We had over twenty years of friendship. We’d weathered break ups and puberty and fights, but mind-blowing sex?

For the first time, I wished the sex had sucked. It would have been easier to get out of the mess I’d made had it been a train wreck of odd groping and unsatisfying screwing. Instead, in the future I’d have to comfort myself with memories of mind-blowing sex. The type of sex that would probably ruin any chance I had of finding someone new. Someone besides Ben.

I traced a finger down his chest, my eyes following the thin patch of hair until my finger hit the bottom of his ribs where he was ticklish and he jolted awake.

“Why would you wake me up like that?” He turned away from me and then back again, his arms pulling me tight against him so I couldn’t tickle him.

I wriggled far enough away to reach his face, brushing a kiss over his cheek. “Because I can? And we’re about to get kicked out. I’m pretty sure check out is in an hour.”

He groaned. “Next time, let’s do a three-day weekend. Two wasn’t long enough.”

Three nights. Thank god I had to open the shop tomorrow, because the temptation to call the front desk and extend this sexual fever dream for a little while longer nearly overwhelmed me.
