Page 93 of Just Best Friends

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“Fate,” he grinned.

I rolled my eyes, tamping back my amusement. “I suck at taking birth control consistently and we didn’t bring a condom.”

“Fate,” he insisted.

I leaned down, kissing him gently. “Maybe a little.”

“Ben!” Martha swept into the room, not nearly as careful with her son as I had been. “Thank god. I was so worried. We only left for a moment. I needed a shower, and we didn’t sleep well—”

“It’s fine, mom,” Ben said, goofy grin intact. “I have great news!”

The nurse at the foot of the bed raised an eyebrow.

“Seriously?” I asked.

“Thea’s pregnant.”

Martha blinked. Pete raised an eyebrow. I died a little inside.

“Or rather, we’re pregnant. Thea and I.”

More silence. I ducked my head.

“Um, is he okay?” Pete’s eyes widened, skating to the nurse.

She shrugged. “I called in the neurologist.”

“He’s fine,” I said, cheeks blazing. “And despite his shitty timing, he’s also right. We’re having a baby?”

Martha shrieked. “You and Ben? You and Thea? I’m having a grand baby? Pete! We’re having a grand baby!”

“You couldn’t have waited until you were at least discharged, Ben?” I muttered as Martha pulled me into her in a bear hug.

He grinned. “You dropped the news on me. I’m only returning the favor. Besides, look how happy you made Mom. Now she’s not even worried about what the doctor might say.”

She released her death grip on me just slightly. “I’m still worried about you. Only now I need to worry whether you’re going to be healthy enough to take care of our Thea and a baby.”

“I’ll be up and moving before you know it,” Ben said cheerfully.

“We’ll see about that,” the nurse drawled, loping her stethoscope over her shoulders. “But for now, everything looks fine. I’ll come back when the doctor gets in.”

“This is the best day ever,” Martha said with a contented sigh. “My two favorite people having a baby.” Pete cleared his throat. “Two of my three favorite people,” she amended.

Pete squeezed Ben’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re up, son. And congratulations.”

The doctor swept in just as Martha had begun to compile a list of baby names. He told us Ben could move out of the ICU in the morning so long as he did well overnight and assured Ben that the stress of his injuries wouldn’t harm me or the baby. The excitement wore Ben out quickly though and, at his insistence, Ben’s parents and I returned to the hotel for a full night’s sleep.

* * *

“You need to sit in the wheelchair,” the orderly said, a frown on his face and his arms crossed.

“I just walked up and down these halls. I can make it to the car,” Ben said, waving the cane a nurse had given him for balance.

“Hospital policy.”

“But I can stand up just as soon as I get to the car?” Ben questioned.

“You won’t be the hospital’s problem once you’re in the car. Just get in the wheelchair, Ben,” I said, my stomach suddenly queasy from the omelet that tasted so delicious an hour ago. I pressed a hand to my chest, hoping some pressure would work away the nausea.
