Page 96 of Just Best Friends

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Despite what had happened, my injury hadn’t shaken my commitment to the rescue. If anything, the accident strengthened my commitment. Sure, I’d changed some policies. I’d limited access to the enclosures and put better procedures in place for emergency response. The accident had uncovered massive gaps in our training and preparedness. After Dana and I pulled through unscathed, I could only look back on the attack with gratitude.

Still, I wouldn’t leave Thea. I didn’t want to live anywhere but where she lived. And our baby.

“I hate to say it, but I think we should sell it.” Thea’s bottom lip slipped into her mouth.

“You don’t need to do that. We could hold on to it—”

Thea shook her head, covering my hand with hers. “My future isn’t in there, Benny. It’s with you.”

I paused, letting the words sink in. “So, you’ll move to the rescue?”

She nodded. “I’m not raising this baby alone.”

“I wouldn’t let you.”

I leaned forward, brushing her cheek with my fingers and closing the distance between us. I slanted my lips to hers, closing my eyes and inhaling flowers and makeup and everything wonderful about Thea. My best friend. My girlfriend. My baby’s mother. My wife, one day.

Despite my parent’s disappointment, Thea insisted she wouldn’t get married until she could sew her dream wedding gown. And we didn’t have time for that. Some day.

I pulled away, half afraid if I kissed her for any longer, I’d lose any interest in the gender reveal party and drive straight home to pull her upstairs to the bedroom.

We exited the car, and I grabbed her hand, navigating the way to my parents’ packed house. Congratulations rained down on us as we made our way toward the kitchen. Millie stood at the kitchen table, piles of cupcakes covering the counters. Thea handed over the now-tattered envelope.

She turned it over in her hand, a bright smile on her face. “What does it say?”

“Open it and find out,” Thea teased.

Millie held up a finger, setting down the envelope next to a bowl of frosting and opening up the fridge. “Have you had lunch? I made you a plate. Take this, socialize, and I’ll have these cupcakes filled in thirty.”

“Better make it forty-five,” Len growled from behind a tray of cupcakes at the kitchen table.

“Are you helping?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Hiding out while still being present.” Len said, swiping a cupcake and taking a bite.

“You’re supposed to wait until they’re frosted!” Millie said as she picked up the bowl of frosting, tutting him. “Now, help me out or go socialize. No freeloaders in the kitchen.”

Len reluctantly grabbed an icing spatula as I ushered Thea into the living room.

“Did you tell your mom we found out at the doctor’s appointment?” Thea whispered.

“I told her this gender reveal party was mostly for her benefit, but no, I didn’t say those exact words.” More like I implied them.

“Should we tell her?”

I shook my head. “If it doesn’t bother you, I say we go with it.”

Thea nodded before throwing herself into the center of the guests, eager to chat. I posted up against the wall to the kitchen, watching Gloria grab Thea by the arm and pull her in for what looked like a serious conversation.

“Beer?” Len pressed a cold bottle to my forearm, and I took it gratefully.

“Thanks. Did Millie kick you out?”

“Apparently I wasn’t helping. Besides, I figured you could use the company.”

I popped open the top and took a long pull. “Did you see the frosting?”

“Yep. Congrats.”
