Page 59 of Shattered Illusions

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When a growl emanated from behind her, she bit her lip to smother a laugh. The bastard deserved all the misery she was planning to dish out this morning. Because leaving her high and dry last night had not been cool. At all. Well, he might not have left herdry, per se, but whatever. It was still a dick move on his part. Or dickless, technically.

Her eyes widened at her own thoughts.Why, good morning, sex fiend.

Yes, she’d been a tiny bit drunk last night. And sure, looking back, it had been very noble of him to not let their first time be a drunken sex fest. However, she begged to differ with his reasoning: shewouldhave remembered every moment of it. She knew this for a fact because she sure as hell remembered every single second of last night. Particularly the events that had occurred after she’d closed her bedroom door.

Like how she’d stayed awake until she’d heard him settle into his room, which shared a wall with hers. And how she’d waited to hear the click of his lamp, an indication that he’d climbed into bed, before turning on her toy. She especially recalled how she hadn’t bothered holding back any of her moans as she’d worked her trusty rabbit vibrator and imagined Joe touching her instead. Knowing he’d been listening had turned her on more than she’d thought possible.

After going two rounds with her vibrator, she’d conked out. Those three hours of sleep had been some of the most restful she’d had in a long, long time. It was no wonder she had sex on the brain this morning. If she’d had that much fun with only her vibrator and thoughts of Joe, she couldn’t imagine what the real deal would be like.

“Get your ass moving, Rox,” the real deal barked as he held the front door open. “Let’s go.”

She straightened, stretching her arms over her head. “You sure are sexy when you’re all bed-headed and grumpy.”

Joe pointed at the porch steps. “Go. Now.”

As Roxie walked by him, she stopped to pat his cheek. “Don’t worry, this’ll be fun.”

Grumbling, he locked up and followed her down the steps. “I’m setting the pace today, Rox. Try and keep up.”

* * *

It was torture. Every damn step. Every damn breath.

Fucking. Torture.

Joe set a punishing pace for the first mile. It didn’t surprise him that Roxie was able to keep up, but it annoyed him. He wanted her as uncomfortable as he was. When the running app on his phone signaled they’d completed their first mile, he slowed down. There were some icy patches on the ground, and the last thing he needed was a broken ankle to go along with his damn blue balls.

It pissed him off that this was all his own doing. Joe knew that if he’d gone into her room last night, she wouldn’t have kicked him out. Hell, he’d probably be buried deep inside her right now instead of out in the freezing cold for a fucking four-mile run.

Goddamn, hehadto stop thinking about last night. It was making the run miserable, not to mention painful. But the only things looping in his head were the steady hum of Roxie’s vibrator and her sexy moans. When she’d screamed out his name as she’d come, he’d almost lost his mind. He sure as hell had gotten himself off, too, but it had been the most unfulfilling orgasm of his life.

Enough already!

Checking their mileage on his phone, he groaned when he saw they hadn’t yet reached the mile-and-a-half point. He didn’t know how much more of this torture he could take.

Fuck it.

He stopped, turned around, and began the return run home.

“But we haven’t gone two miles yet,” Roxie called, pivoting to stay with him.

Joe didn’t reply. Instead, he pushed their pace a little faster. Being the competitive little soldier he knew she was, Rox stopped talking and matched his stride.

Nine minutes later, he slammed the front door shut behind them.

“What the hell, Joe? Are you done being pissy now?” She bent at the waist, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. “Holy crap, I haven’t run that fast in years.”

He should apologize. But he didn’t. Instead, he grabbed her hand and hauled her up the stairs with him.

She tried to tug free, but he didn’t let go.

“What’s your deal?” she snapped. “I have to get ready for work, so whatever kind of tantrum this is? Hurry it up.”

“Fine,” he said, guiding her through her bedroom and into the master bath. Letting her hand go, he reached into the shower and turned the water to hot.

“Seriously, Joe, what are you doing?”

He dragged his fitted running shirt over his head, then dropped it on the ground. “What I should have done last night.”
