Page 76 of Shattered Illusions

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Roxie lifted her glass, though her brow furrowed in confusion.

“While it’s truly been dandy giving you girls the details of my scandalous past, I commend you both. You guys sure do know how to deflect the attention. But don’t think I’ve forgotten what we were talking about before my walk down memory lane. Because the night is young, ladies, and here’s to getting the dish on what’s really going on with Roxie and Joe. Cheers!”

Roxie rolled her eyes but clinked glasses anyway. “You’re a persistent little thing, aren’t you?”

Nina laughed. “Oh, boss lady, you have no idea!”


After a nearly sleepless night—who knew such a tiny little baby could scream so loud... and for so long—Joe entered his kitchen through the back door. He smiled when he spied Roxie at the kitchen counter. As he approached, he admired her pajama set. The plaid shorts weren’t super short, but they showed off a lot of leg. Snaking his arm around her waist, he pulled her against him.

With a gasp, she yanked the AirPods from her ears, spun around, and slugged him in the stomach. Hard.

“Sorry, baby, I thought you heard me come in,” he said, rubbing his abs.

Wide-eyed and hand to her heart, she stared at him for a second before her shoulders dropped and the fear drained from her face. “You scared the shit out of me. I didn’t hear anything.”

“I’m sorry,” he repeated, wrapping his arms around her waist again. She relaxed into him as his lips found that spot on her neck he loved, the spot where, if he nibbled juuust right, she’d make the sexiest sound he’d ever heard.

“Joe...” Her whisper turned into that sexy moan, and he smiled against her neck.

Mission accomplished.

“It’s about damn time those ladies left.” His hand snuck under her shirt. Caressing the soft skin of her belly had him going hard in an instant. “I hate to break it to you, Roxanne, but I don’t think we’re going to make it upstairs to the bedroom. Can we christen the stairs?”

“Time-out,” a voice called out.

He lifted his head and found Nina standing in the kitchen archway, one hand holding a coffee cup and the other shielding her eyes. Damn.

“I just need a refill on my coffee and then I swear that Sheila and I will be out of here,” she said, peeking out from between her fingers.

Easing his hold, he cleared his throat and grinned. “I spoke too soon, I see.”

“Morning, handsome.” Nina flashed him a cheeky grin and topped off her coffee before turning her attention to Roxie. “Tsk-tsk, boss lady. You’ve been holding out on us, but the truth always comes out. Don’t worry, I’ll get your mug back to you tomorrow so you guys can get on with your bow-chicka-wow-wow on the stairs.”

Joe laughed at both Nina’s comments and the flush now staining Roxie’s cheeks. He slung an arm over Roxie’s shoulders but kept her partially in front of him. Because he was wearing sweatpants and, well... yeah. “Good morning to you, too, Nina. You guys don’t need to rush out of here on my account.”

“Oh, we’re not, handsome. See, June and I are forcing a day off on Roxie today. So once I’m out of here, you guys can christen the whole damn house.” She checked her watch. “But we’ve got another hour before I need to be at the café.”

He stole a glance at Roxie. The flush on her cheeks and the daggers she was shooting at him didn’t bode well.

“So... should I stay or go?” he dared to ask.

“Stay,” Nina said, while at the same time, Roxie snapped, “Go.”

Shit. It was barely eight in the morning. How the hell was he already in the doghouse?

While Nina laughed, Roxie pointed to the door. “Out, Buchanan.”

* * *

When the door closed behind Joe, Roxie let out an exasperated sigh.

“I hate to interrupt the broody thing you’re doing,” Nina said, “but are you nuts? Why the hell aren’t you on top of that man right now?”

Heat spread from Roxie’s face down to her neck. Why, indeed?

Nina looked at her in obvious disbelief. “That man is sex on a fucking stick. If he had his hands all overme, I’d for sure be tellingyouto get the hell out of my house. You’re officially nuts, boss lady.”

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