Page 106 of Detroit

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“Oh, honey. He sounds amazing,” she said.

“He’s, ah, he’s a biker,” I told her, not sure how to explain this part to her, or how much information to give her about what that meant.

“I dated a biker once!” she said, making my brows shoot up.


“Really. I was young. My girlfriend dragged me to a party at a biker clubhouse. There was a guy there… oh, those were some fun few months,” she said, lost in the memory. “I’m so happy you found your person, honey. Can I meet him when I come to town?”

“Definitely,” I agreed. “Bayleigh already knows him. Not well, but she’s met him a few times.”

“I can’t wait to pester her for details,” she said. “If you want, I can tell your sister about this. I can ease her into it, so she doesn’t get too upset.”

“That would be great,” I said, even if I felt a little guilty for not telling her myself. But my mom was there. I wasn’t. I couldn’t gauge how she was handling the information over the phone.

“We’re going to come see you this coming weekend,” she said. “Any idea if the motel has any openings?”

“You can stay at my apartment,” I told her. “I haven’t been there since I was released. It would be much more comfortable than the motel.”

“Oh, so you’relivingwith him?”

“I… yes,” I agreed. “I mean, we haven’t really talked about that yet, though,” I admitted.

“Talked about what?” Detroit asked as he came in with a new coffee for me.

I felt my cheeks heating.

“If we are living together or not,” I admitted since my mom was listening, and I couldn’t try to evade the question.

“Well, we gotta move the rest of your stuff out of the guest room,” he said. “But I didn’t wait this long for you to have you leave every night.”

“Oh, honey, what avoice,” my mom gushed in my ear.

“I know, right?” I asked.

“Okay. Well, I won’t keep you. But I want to hear from you when you get your check-up with Dr. Price.”

“You’ll be my first call,” I assured her.

“I know this sounds strange with so much going on, and not all of it good, but I’m so happy for you, honey,” she said. “Love you.”

“Love you too,” I said, and hung up feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted off of my shoulders.

“It go okay?” Detroit asked.

“Yeah. She was a little upset that I didn’t fill her in sooner, but she’s not mad or anything. Oh, and she likes your voice,” I told him, watching what I could only call a bashful smile play across his face. “And she wants to meet you.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting her too,” he said, reaching to pluck the puppy from my lap as she woke up. “Figure anyone who created you has got to be pretty fucking amazing. We gotta take her out,” he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he stood to do just that.

I followed behind, watching him as this giant wall of a man walked my tiny little puppy on a leash around the yard, asking her over and over to ‘go pee.’

And I had to agree with my mom.

A lot had gone on.

Some of it was really not good.

But I was still so incredibly, blissfully, indescribably happy despite all of that not-great stuff. Because so much good had happened to offset it.
