Page 14 of Detroit

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Morgaine and Bayleigh had a distant sort of friendship, having been involved in a shared trauma a while back. But things had gotten even more distant when Bayleigh moved with her mom out of town to try to rebuild her life and recover her mental health.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “And I don’t know if Everleigh would want that shit coming from us,” I added.

“True,” she agreed, her hand absentmindedly rubbing her stomach. “The girls and I will prepare the empty bedroom,” she said.

Technically, there were two empty bedrooms left on the second floor, but one was tentatively reserved for Rook, though he hadn’t spent any time decorating it yet.

The other bedroom…

My gaze slid in Sway’s direction, seeing that damn shit-eating grin on his face again as he came to the same realization as me.

The other bedroom was the one beside mine.

“Uh-oh. Slash has his serious face on,” Nyx, his woman, said as she came into the common space, arms above her head as she pulled her long black hair into a messy bun.

“I think we’re gonna have to tell Murphy we are gonna need the third floor sooner than anticipated,” he said.

“Listen,” Sway said, suddenly serious. “Rook can’t be working for us with Nancy on his ass all the time, and I am not ready to do another renovation personally.”

“I don’t mind working alone,” Coach said, the other newer member of the club. He wasn’t quite a prospect anymore, but since he’d avoided all the work the rest of us had put in to making this clubhouse what it was, he was willing to do the same for the next crew of guys.

“Colter is getting out soon,” Slash reminded us.

When we’d been looking at Rook, another inmate at the prison had caught Slash’s attention. A former military man doing a bid because his best friend moved in on his wife while he was deployed, and when he came home, he beat the ever-loving shit out of him for it.

Problem was, he managed to get himself into trouble before his parole hearing, and had tacked on more time to his sentence.

I guess he was finally getting out. And we were running out of space.

Granted, the guys were starting to spend less and less time in their rooms now that they were settled down and making babies. They had other places to rest their heads at night. But, even if they decided to give up their rooms, we would outgrow the second floor eventually.

“Will you be hearing from Simon about Everleigh’s arraignment?” Slash asked.

“I have to get back in touch with him. I didn’t want to waste time bullshitting when I knew he had to get to the station.”

“Makes sense. Keep us updated on shit as it happens,” Slash said, following Nyx who had two mugs of coffee now, back out of the room.

“I’m gonna go talk to the girls,” Morgaine said.

“You don’t have anywhere to be?” I asked, looking at the still smirking Sway.

“Murphy’s been working all night on some gun that probably shoots lasers or some shit,” he said, shrugging. “So… no. I’d rather stand here and rib you about Everleigh,” he said.

“And on that, I’m going to go take a shower,” I said, shaking my head at him.

“What? No breakfast?” Sway called. “I bet when Everleigh is here, you’ll pull out all the stops!” he said as I made my way to the stairs.

I said nothing to that.

Because, quite frankly, I knew he was right.

If Everleigh agreed to come stay with us, I wouldn’t be missing a chance to cook. Did that make sense when I didn’t plan on making a move on the woman? No. But neither did hiring a ridiculously expensive lawyer to defend her.

Why start analyzing my crazy-ass choices now?

Later that morning, I got word back to Simon, hearing the details about what was going on with Everleigh, his plan to get her an outfit for the arraignment, and the finer details about his payment.

Was it astronomical?
