Page 21 of Detroit

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“We both know that’s bullshit. And Simon will prove that. But, here’s the thing,” he said, voice taking on a careful edge that had me stiffening.

“What’s the thing?” I asked.

“Because we don’t know what is going on, and who might be involved,” he started, “the guys, girls, and I are all a little worried about your safety.”

“My… safety?” I asked, feeling like the ground had opened up underneath me, and I was falling.

That hadn’t even occurred to me.

That someone might want to hurt me over this.

That there was someone involved who was capable of that.

“Yeah. They arrested Gav too. But we don’t know what the fuck is going on. And until we do, we really think you should come and stay at the club where you’re safe.”

“The club?” I repeated dumbly, but it was like the information wasn’t penetrating unless I said it too.

“There will always be someone, several someones, around to make sure no one tries to mess with you.”

“Who would want to hurt me?” I asked, feeling my lower lip trembling again, and forcing it closed tight until it stopped. “I haven’t done anything.”

“No,” he agreed. “But if they planned for you to take the fall for them…”

“Oh,” I said, starting to understand just how out of my depths I was on this.

“I know I haven’t made the clubhouse sound like a place you would like, but if there is one thing I can promise you, it’s that no one can get to you there.”

And he, and likely his club brothers and their women, all seemed to know a lot more about this kind of thing than I did.

It made the most sense to go with him.

Besides, if this was what he wanted, I wasn’t really in a place to turn him down. With all he was doing for me.

“Okay,” I agreed, nodding.

“Okay? You’ll come?”

“Yes,” I agreed. “Could we stop at my place to get some things, though?” I asked.

“Of course. We just won’t linger,” he added, a hint of warning there.

It became really clear to me right then that things were a lot more serious than I originally realized.

What the hell had just happened to my life?

And why was some part of me secretly really excited about being at the clubhouse?



I hadn’t expected her to look as good as she did when she walked out of the courthouse.

Simon’s assistant had chosen the perfect outfit for her if he was going for making her look sweet and, most of all, innocent.

She was both those things, but the judge wouldn’t have known that. But Simon had portrayed it perfectly with just clothes.

It wasn’t until she saw me that it happened.
