Page 30 of Detroit

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“I thought you might need somewhere to sit and work on projects,” Coach said. “So I threw it together for you yesterday.”

I moved toward him, reaching out both of my hands, and taking his.

“It’s perfect. Thank you so much. That was really sweet,” I said.

“Don’t mention it,” he said, shaking his head.

“Don’t ask him where he got the wood,” Sway said, and there was a shared chuckle, making me think I was missing out on some kind of inside joke.

“You’re over here,” Coach said, patting the empty chair next to him. Which left one other vacancy. The one at the head of the table. Presumably for Detroit, who was the only one still standing, scooping something into a bowl.

“Can I help with anything?” I asked, watching him look over.

He hesitated, like he didn’t want to put me out, but I was already walking toward him.

“Sure. If you want to take that platter out,” he said, nodding toward one on the island.

There was a lot of food.

Like maybe the man thought he was feeding an army or something instead of just the eight of us.

I brought the platter of asparagus, and grabbed the bowl full of orzo as well, and took them toward the table.

Detroit followed with a bowl of golden roasted mini potatoes, a bowl of mushrooms and zucchini in some sort of dark marinade, then went back to grab a big tray of baked macaroni and cheese, and a platter of bone-in pork chops with some sort of glaze and fresh herbs sprinkled on top.

My stomach let out another loud grumble as I finally took my seat, accepting to have my glass filled with water that Coach was passing around.

“This all looks amazing,” I told him as he took his seat beside me. “I don’t think I’ve seen this much food since Thanksgiving,” I added. And maybe not even then.

There was a clatter of passing dishes, and I watched as both Coach and Detroit started to pile up my plate before they passed on the bowls. Before I knew it, there wasn’t an inch of space left.

I was almost glad I hadn’t been able to stomach any of the jail food, because there was no way I would be able to fit all this in otherwise. And one bite of the mac & cheese told me that I wanted to devour every single bite of this food.

“Oh, my God,” I moaned as I tasted it, looking over at Detroit. And I swore, for a second, there was a flash of something heated in his eyes. Something that my body immediately responded to, making me press my thighs tightly together under the table before I forced myself to keep eating.

I had no idea how long it had been since I’d shared a meal with someone. But I guess a part of me had forgotten how nice it could be to share a mealandlight conversation.

Everyone tossed playful jabs back and forth, everyone laughing and piping in, making me wonder how nice it must be to be part of this bigger found family that they had. With people who knew you well enough to know what they could tease you about without you getting offended.

I had nothing to add to the conversation as it went on, but I was enjoying hearing it, and occasionally laughing at something someone said.

My mood felt so much lighter by the time Coach and Rook were getting up and gathering dishes.

When I tried to stand to do the same, Detroit’s hand covered mine, stilling the motion as I grabbed for my plate.

“It’s kind of their job as prospects to do the cleaning,” he explained. “It’s their way of paying their dues and proving they’ll be valuable members of the club,” he added.

“Oh,” I said, totally not understanding, but figuring it wasn’t my place to question it.

“You’re an amazing cook,” I told him. “Do you enjoy it?” I added, knowing my mom was a good cook too, but she didn’t love doing it, save for the holidays.

“I do,” he said, nodding. “Cooking for me is what meditation is for Coach,” he explained. “Helps me clear my head and focus. And there’s a good meal at the end of it,” he added.

“I think I like your kind of meditation better,” I decided. I wasn’t going to tell him this, but I was so full that the button on my pants was digging into my belly.

After dinner, the couples kind of made their way off, and Coach drove Rook home before he could get in trouble for being with the club.

“You look like you want to go back to sleep,” Detroit said.
