Page 43 of Detroit

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“No,” Everleigh said, and I was surprised how steady her voice was, because I knew she was a bad liar. “I mean, I hated him with a fiery passion,” she said.

“For obvious reasons.”

“I wanted him dead,” she added.

“But you didn’t kill him.”


“Or maim him.”

“No,” she agreed.

Because, in the end, she had nothing to do with his death. Morgaine even gave her the money back.

“So then this has nothing to do with you and your case. Anything else?”

“Not that I can think of,” Everleigh said.

“Now, as for your personal life… you have none. No boyfriends. Two… no… three exes,” he said, making my brows raise. That was a lot of fucking intimate detail. Who the hell did he have doing this research? “And you don’t fuck around outside of your relationships.”

It wasn’t a question, but Everleigh answered in a tiny voice. “No.”

“So, your character seems pretty impenetrable. What we need to focus on instead is Gav’s character. So, spill on him. Is he a creep? Does he grab your ass or stare at your chest? Does he make lewd comments, or give the female patrons of the gym the ick?”

“He’s… I don’t know. He’s kind of…”

“Reclusive,” I supplied for her.

“Yeah,” she said, nodding. “He’s not around that much. And when he is, he usually stays in his office. I don’t want to say he’s anti-social, but he just… keeps to himself.”

Simon jotted that down.

“Does he ever have visitors to his office?”

“No, not really. If he has meetings with someone who has a complaint about the gym, or maybe his brother or his mom once or twice. Nothing, you know, shady?”

“Okay. Does he ever handle the boxes? Whose job is it to handle the boxes?”

“Oh, ah, I guess that depends on the boxes? Like, I wouldn’t unpack the cleaning supplies. I would leave that for the cleaning staff. I would unpack the merch or sometimes the stuff for the juice bar if the evening staff didn’t handle it.”

“How many other people work at the gym?”

“Ah… eight? Four other front desk people. Depending on the shift, there might be two people working. Then the girl at the juice bar. The rest are cleaners. But that’s not counting the, you know, personal trainers. But the personal trainers really have nothing to do with how the gym is actually run. They rarely leave the gym floor.”

“I’ll have all of them looked into,” Simon said, still jotting down notes with a pen that likely cost more than Everleigh’s car was worth at this point. “What else do you have to say about Gav?” he asked.

“I…” she started, then shook her head, thinking better of it.

“No, say it,” Simon demanded. “Now isn’t the time to be nice.”

“Well, it’s just that… I always thought him owning a gym was kind of strange.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I never see him workout. He’s naturally on the thin side. But he doesn’t use any of the equipment or take classes.”

“Is that unusual? Do you?”
