Page 50 of Detroit

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“Yes, please,” I said, giving him a smile. “Where did Detroit go?” I asked, trying for casual, and having no idea if I pulled it off or not.

“He went to pick up another prospect from the prison,” Slash told me as he handed me my mug of coffee.

They didn’t keep any flavors in the clubhouse. And I was a flavored coffee kind of girl. But I made do with cream and sugar, poorly pretending I wasn’t aching for some caramel syrup or even some of that flavored creamer that comes in like fifty different variations.

“Oh,” I said, surprised, even though I knew they did seem to take their club members from the ex-convicts being released from the local penitentiary.

“His release date was changed,” Slash told me. “We didn’t find out until the last minute,” he added. Like he could read my thoughts. About why Detroit didn’t tell me he had plans. Even though he wasn’t my boyfriend, and he didn’t have to tell me what he was doing with his days. “I hate to break this to you, babe,” Slash said, giving me a wince. “But the peace in the clubhouse is gonna end tonight.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, tensing.

“The guys are going to want to party. Just out of prison and shit like that,” he said.

“Oh, right. Yeah. Of course,” I said, nodding. “I don’t mind,” I added.

In fact, that might just work into my plans of seduction perfectly. No insecurity about anyone overhearing us if there was a party raging downstairs.

“Riff and Raff should be pulling in soon too,” he added.

“Oh, yeah,” I agreed, knowing the stories about them, but never having actually met them.

They weren’t in town that often. Or when they were, they weren’t around for long.

If I understood correctly, Riff and Raff were brothers. Twins? Maybe? I didn’t remember. And they seemed to do a lot of the, ah, weapons acquiring from down South where the laws were looser, and brought them back to the clubhouse.

“For the sake of plausible deniability,” Slash said, interrupting my thoughts. “You might want to go… make your bed when they get here.”

“Make my… oh,” I said, understanding.

If Riff and Raff were bringing in weapons, then I needed to be busy, so I didn’t see, and wasn’t involved.

The last thing in the world I needed was to get involved with more criminal stuff.

“I actually have to, ah, sort my laundry today. It should take an hour. At least,” I said.

“That’a girl,” Slash said with a smirk as he walked out of the room.

Just to be safe, I went upstairs after I grabbed a bite to eat, bringing an extra drink with me, in case I needed to hide away for an extended period of time.

I sorted my laundry.

Tidied up both mine and Detroit’s room.

Then I planned out my, you know, under things to change into later.

I would do a shave and lotion first too.

Over the top? Maybe. But I wanted it to be perfect, since I was having a little anxiety about it.

All that done, I stared at the bed, realizing there was one thing I was missing.


I always had some at my apartment, a box that I had rotated out twice already, not trusting them when they got close to their expiration dates, and not having any men in my life.

But I didn’t ever carry protection with me.

I didn’t need it.
