Page 77 of Detroit

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“Always,” he agreed, walking through his apartment to grab a shirt, pulling on a wrinkled white one from a laundry basket. “What am I looking for?”

“You’re looking into Gray Beacher,” I told him. “Anything you can find about his life the past few years.”

“What’s he into?”

“Drugs,” I told him.

“How’s he swinging that in this area?” he asked. “What with Czar and Erion cornering that market.”

That was… a good point.

I made a mental note to look into that some more if it became necessary. If we could pin this on Gray and exonerate Everleigh and Gav, that was the cops’ job to figure that shit out.

“I dunno. But my concern is Gray and whoever he is working with. Especially if you can get him on camera doing shady shit.”

“And what are the rules?”

“You work downstairs in the studio. No bringing the laptop up here. No looking at shit on your phone. Nothing that could give Nancy a reason to lock you back up again.”

“Got it,” he agreed, nodding, as he shoved his feet into shoes. Grabbing his keys, he followed me out. “Anything else?”

“Time is of the essence. I gotta get this information to Everleigh’s lawyer before a court date is set.”

“Then I am gonna hit the store to grab some energy drinks before I get started,” he said, passing the studio and heading toward the grocery store.

“I will be in touch. Don’t call,” I demanded.

We tried as much as possible not to let Rook have any technological trail that could lead back to him.

Finished with that, I glanced toward the clubhouse, feeling my lips curve up at the idea of getting to spend some time with Everleigh again. After I gave her the good news about a lead.

I was starting to wonder if maybe, just possibly, this thing between us could actually go somewhere. If Coach was right about me letting her make the decision if she wanted to be a part of this life or not.

After all, she’d been settling in just fine.

No, she wasn’t into the parties. But neither was I. That didn’t make me any less a member of this big family of ours.

Besides, if we started to get serious, build a future, we wouldn’t be living at the club anymore. We’d get a house. Maybe in the ‘burbs. Room for kids. A nice yard. That kinda thing. The parties wouldn’t matter so much anymore.

That was what my mind was on as I made my way into the clubhouse.

I’d been expecting to find her there waiting for me. What I found instead was touches of her all around. The neatly arranged random items she’d found lying around, the scent of all surface cleaner and fabric spray, the line of sports drinks on the island.

Maybe she was waiting for me in bed instead.

Which was even more exciting.

I dropped my keys and made my way upstairs.

But my room was empty.

So was hers.

And the bathroom.

“Everleigh?” I called, walking down the hall, wondering if she was hanging with one of the girls somewhere. “Ev?” I called.

“Hey, hey, what’s with all the hollering?” Raff asked, blinking red eyes at me from the doorway a room.
